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They need to stop contacting me..


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I need to be away from them, I truly am happier away and I get jobs, friends, confidence, self esteem, happiness, money, love when I am away from them.


when they even txt, call, come over.. I form a psychological break, and I lose all my jobs, social lives, confidence, joy, everything.


I told them this, and I never used threats because I found that tacky... LAME basically, to use threats.


But if they don't stop, I'm going to have to. I think they can read this stuff here (That is one reason I hate them, they use tactics like befriending men in corporate or legal or law to 'track' me)..... so, hopefully they see this.


Last warning to them. Next contact, I'm leaving and I will sacrifice it out there. I'd rather be dead then be a nothing because of them.

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Live your life and don't be afraid of your family or whoever "they" are. Don't know your situation but it sounds like someone wants you to live in fear and paranoia for the rest of your life. Don't fall into this. Live and be happy. If you need to seek someone out to talk to or get through this then do whatever it takes.


The sad reality is that there are many sick, devious people out there, unfortunately sometimes including family. Don't let anyone make you uncomfortable or scared like this. They sound toxic. Guess your family or "they" don't realize that once things go too far, sometimes there is no turning back or forgiveness. You were smart enough to post on here. So be smart enough and do what's best for your life.


Also meant to add, can you just block out the family members who are toxic and still keep in touch with the others? Or is your entire family toxic to you? Don't lose touch with everyone if you don't have to.

Edited by ITw
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How old are you? If you are over 18, you need not have anything to do with your parents if you don't want to. Sometimes parents can be toxic. No idea what else is going on with you. If it's substances, please go to AA or NA. If it's not, please use some of your money to start counseling. If you feel you have no issues except for your parents, you're not doing drugs or drinking, you don't have a psychological disorder, etc., move away and block them. Usually when parents go to extreme measures it's because you're under 18 and they're still legally responsible for you and it is their duty to take care of you OR they fear for you because of substance abuse or a mental disorder, so that's why I bring it up here.


So take care of yourself first and foremost. Get help now. Once you have that support, be it AA or a psychologist or religious counselor, decide how to proceed to get control over your life.

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Who are they? Please contact a professional and get some help.


i'm with ya on this inquiry! who is "they"???. I smh when something this vague gets responded to without knowing who the subjects are? maybe the they is any of the following: little green men, the rice crispy dudes, the telemarketers, the feds, the cookie tracker team. ( all references in jest til the OP can clarify)

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