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Dear Paulie (and Joe and others)


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Hi Paulie,


I'm really glad to hear you met this new lady. But in case things don't work out with this one...don't worry. You will have no trouble meeting a new girl.


Girls find you to be very handsome so don't even worry about your looks. Not a problem there. Personality and attitude mean everything.


There are three things that I (and most girls) love about a guy. I read somewhere that some guy made this into a concept...something like 'the 3 C's of male desirability" (don't remember exactly). But what he wrote was right on the mark. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how true it was.


Well here are the 3 C's:


1. Challenge. I'm sure everyone knows about this. If not, ask Tony. I can never say it any better than he always has. If you seem like a challenge, girls will pursue you. If you're always around or always calling, they will lose interest in you very quickly.


2. Control. Self-control in your words and actions will do the trick. You don't want to come across as desperate and you don't want to pour your heart out too soon, or girls will just not be as interested in you.


3. Confidence. This is the most important one. Girls are attracted to guys that have high self-confidence (not arrogant guys).


It's not too difficult to become comfortable approaching girls. The best way is to talk to strangers when you're out and about. I don't mean just attractive girls, but instead anyone and everyone. When I'm out with my boyfriend in public, I notice how he can strike up a conversation with anyone...the guy in line in front of us..the waitress..the cashier...and it really makes me admire him even more.


Trust me, he used to have THE lowest self-esteem and was extremely shy a couple years ago, and now he just radiates with confidence. Girls definitely notice this kind of stuff.


All it took was practice...


I'm adding some articles below this post...they're rather long but VERY good...and very true. I feel guilty posting articles without citing the author but unfortunately I don't know who wrote it.


Hope this helps!

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The Rules


The most important thing to keep in mind while approaching women is that first impressions are priceless and are made up within the first three seconds of introducing yourself. This means that you have no room for error.


Rule No.1


Women sense and are turned off by insecurity, so make sure you look and act confident. How? Groom, dress, move, and pursue like a man who is confident with women.


Practice socializing with all kinds of strangers on the street, whether they're old or young, women or men. Just say "Hi" and you'll start to notice your confidence build up.


Rule No.2


No pickup lines. It upsets me when people ask me for the best pickup lines; there is no such thing as miracle pickup lines. You have to be honest, straightforward and say what's on your mind.


If you use pickup lines, a woman will read right through you and feel cheap. When a woman feels like you're using a pickup line on her, she will do everything possible to show that she won't fall for it.


Using pickup lines is what destroys a conversation because it's hard to think of what to say afterwards. Instead, by making conventional small talk, you have a base to build an interesting conversation upon.


Rule No.3


Don't give her your name. This is the first tool to confirm that she is interested in you. Instead, ask for her name. Once she says her name, compliment it and start talking. If after a while she asks you for your name, it means she is interested. If she doesn't ask for your name, it means she doesn't care. If that's the case, don't waste your time with her and move on before she does.


Rule No.4


No matter how tempting it might be, don't look at her breasts. If she catches you looking, gazing, screening, or scanning for even a one hundredth of a second, it's all over and you could kiss your chances goodbye. Don't risk it.


A Winning Conversation


Good looks are important but not enough to keep a woman interested in you. A woman also wants a man who can have an intellectual conversation.


Most men know how to speak to women for the first few minutes but don't know how to make the conversation last. The most important part is how to keep them interested past the first ten minutes of conversation.


The problem is that men don't understand how to follow the sequence of natural conversation. Some men make the mistake of talking about themselves all night long, while others begin by talking about how many kids they want, why they're still single, or how fast their Porsche can go from 0-60 mph.


The secret to keeping a woman interested in you for more than ten minutes is to first melt her security ice shield, follow a sequence of natural small talk, bring up something no one else would, and observe her body language.


1. Ice breakers


At first, women are on their guard and act cold towards you approaching them. They feel a little intimidated so they put up their ice shields. You must deal with the fact that women will be testing you to see if you are safe or potentially violent. Before you even try developing a conversation, you have to make her feel comfortable by showing her that you're harmless.


You can do this by using a little sense of humor (without looking too weird).


You can also try some ice breakers like, "this party is really exciting…" or "who's the creep that left you all alone with these men?"


If she gives you the evil eye or tells you to get lost, don't feel bad (remember she might just be uncomfortable so don't take it personally). Follow through with a smile and say, "Hey, you don't need to get nasty, I was just trying to make conversation." She might smile back and apologize. If she doesn't, well hold your head up and move on.


If she smiles and gives you buying signals, this means she is slowly lowering her ice shield. You can continue by asking for her name and following through with a compliment. Now you can move on to the actual conversation.


2. Rolling your tongue the right way


When you first meet a woman, you have to capture her attention and keep her interested in you. This is achieved through the art of conversation. You have to be able to roll your tongue the right way to charm her.


Speaking to a woman is really easier than it seems. The secret is to let women do all the talking while you do all the listening. In general, women love to talk and gossip. Women talk and gossip for hours over the phone and at work, so why should you do any different?


So how do you get her started? The answer is simple: open your eyes and observe a particular thing (something small and impersonal) about her that no one else would normally notice such as her nails, wrists/hands, hair, and so on. Then ask her an open-ended question regarding the subject and let her talk.


Listen very carefully to every word she has to say. You will get clues to build upon a sequence of questions and keep the conversation focused on her. By keeping the conversation focused on her, you kill two birds with one stone.


First, make the conversation interesting if it is focused on her because in her eyes, it must be interesting -- after all, she is an interesting person. Second, show that you are a considerate and caring person who is also a good listener.


She is probably expecting you to compliment her on her beauty like all other men. Instead, give here a negative hit, nothing too nasty, but something that will catch her by surprise and intrigue her.


For example, during the conversation, you can say something like, "I think I've seen you before, I'm not sure where, but I do remember seeing that dress before."


Of course you want the woman to associate happiness with you (anchoring), so you have to come right back with two positive hits. Something like, "I just noticed that you have: a beautiful collarbone / an amazing laugh / beautiful hands / a gorgeous dimple and so on.


The idea is to give her the impression that you are being sincere and have your own opinion. You don't want her to think that you are saying anything just to get on her good side.


3. Observation


Talking to a primary target is made easy when she is receptive to you. Remember that it takes two to have an interesting conversation. If you feel that the conversation is going nowhere, it does not necessarily mean that you're a bad conversationalist.


In order to ensure that your primary target is still interested in you, you must observe her body language during the conversation. Look for top giveaways to see if you should keep on talking or start walking.


Desperation kills the conversation.


If there is one dangerous thing that kills a good conversation, it is a sign of desperation. Women are not attracted to men who are desperate.


Women want to feel special. They want to know that if you are courting them, it is because you are attracted to them and not because you are desperate to have any woman.


I suggest that all men should have at least three to five potential primary targets. The reason being that you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket: you don't want to put all your hopes of salvation into one woman.


By having other women around, you will have to plan your time more efficiently and you won't be tempted to be around the same woman every minute of the day. Once again, this will prevent you from looking desperate.


Places to Meet Women


Now that you know how to approach women, you have to go out and find them. Here is my list of favorite places to meet women (in order of success rates):


1. Coffee Shops


2. Gyms


3. Sauna and Spas


4. Dance clubs


5. Dance Lessons


6. Restaurants


7. Bookstores

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No matter how macho or strong a man is, he will always sweat bullets when the time comes to approach a woman. For most men, there is nothing more intimidating than putting their ego in the line of female fire.


For the average man, the most difficult phase of finding women is meeting them in the first place. This can be a little uncomfortable at times, but trust me when I say this is a necessary process. You can't just sit around and wait for things to transpire; it's just not the way nature works.


But let's not kid ourselves; approaching a woman successfully is only one of the most stressful situations a man must face. On top of taking the initiative to set up contact, women also expect the man to close the deal (a.k.a. get her phone number).


Swimming With Sharks


Not even watching a fin protruding out of the water and heading towards your direction can compare to the possibility that a woman might give you that icy glare, followed by a "Get out of my face!" and the cold shoulder.


Yet millions of men are still willing to endure the humiliation, just to have a chance at meeting a woman.


Unfortunately, not all men are born shark salesmen, and when the time comes to close the deal, they swim away and settle with a simple, "It was nice meeting you."


Why would you go through all that anxiety and work to begin the process, only to anticipate that she might jump right in and close it for you -- or end up with no sale at all?


Ask For Her Number


You should get into the habit of asking for numbers every time you approach a woman-- even if you don't plan on calling her. The more you do this, the more it'll become second nature to you. Further, you will be creating a list of backups that you can later call on.


So now that I've finally convinced you to approach her, it's time to plan your phone digging strategy.


The Right Way


The "player's way" lets you prepare yourself in a way that will improve your chances of getting her phone number. You can use this strategy anywhere, including clubs, restaurants, libraries, and cafés. And if she doesn't give you her number, you'll learn how to bow out without feeling embarrassed or looking like you got shot down in front of your friends. But before we ask for numbers, let's understand what factors will influence a woman to give you her number, or give you the old 555 routine.




Most women are reluctant to give out their numbers for several reasons, the most important of which is safety, or lack thereof. The last thing a woman wants is to hand over an invitation for a stalker to jump on her bandwagon. So before she even considers sharing numbers with you, you'll have to pass a couple of tests.


If a man looks desperate, she'll think there is definitely something wrong with him. Desperate men tend to become stalkers. Instead, show that you're confident. Remember, desperation leads to masturbation.


Too many compliments -- especially generic ones -- will alert her to the possibility that you're trying too hard to get something out of her. You can bet that her guard will be a little more vigilant while you're around. Keep compliments moderate and a little more original.


There are more ways to increase your chances of scoring her number...


The only way a woman will consider giving her number out is if she feels comfortable around you. This means that you'll have to lay off the sexual innuendo for a while. Remember, you want her to think you're harmless.


Sometimes, she won't give you her number, even if she thinks you're a great guy. Don't feel bad, this is usually because she already has a boyfriend, is married, or she doesn't want her son to answer the phone.


If you're a bad conversationalist, you can bet that you'll get the old, "I'd love to give you my number, but I just moved and still don't have my new number" excuse. The idea is to make the conversation as interesting as possible by holding both an intellectual and exciting discussion.


Good looks will not always guarantee that you'll get her number. Well, at least not her real number. The way you present yourself is also very important. Always dress stylishly and keep yourself well groomed.


In extreme situations, she might not give you her phone number because she has no phone to begin with. If this happens, don't feel bad. In this case, I recommend smoke signals or morse code.


Practice Makes Perfect


Okay, now that you have an idea of what factors might discourage a woman from giving you her phone number, it's time to practice. Practice?, you might ask yourself. Of course, have you ever heard of a pilot flying on a pickup mission without first practicing on a flight simulator?


Before you try flying with a beautiful woman, you need to practice conversating and picking up normal, everyday women.


The Real Thing


Once you've observed the body language of a woman and feel confident enough to approach one, you can begin your smooth talking techniques to make her feel comfortable, while piquing her interest in you.


Then, after developing a pleasant rapport, she'll be more receptive to you, and you'll have established a bond. The only thing left for you to do is close the deal.


This is the part where most men fail because they're too worried about how the woman might react. Some men worry for nothing. The worst thing that can happen is that she won't give you her phone number, and you will walk away empty-handed.


So what's the big deal?


You didn't have her phone number to begin with, so in reality, you're not worse off than before you approached her. The only thing left for you to do now is cross her off your list, and concentrate on the next one.


Now before doing anything else, let's look at "the Player's rules". If you follow these to the tee, I guarantee that your chances of leaving with her real number will be a lot higher. Or if she refuses to give you her number, you will still leave with a smile on your face and your ego intact.


The Rules of the Game


1. Ignore Friends


Make sure your friends aren't hanging around looking your way and making faces like, "You're the man." Good Wingmen take their roles seriously and don't act like children by stealing their Wing Commander's thunder.


2. Exchange numbers


Never give your number without taking hers. Never take her number without giving yours, and never take pager numbers. If she doesn't want to give you her number, move on.


3. Right Words


Never ask for a number. This makes you look wimpy, as if you're begging for it. Instead, look directly into her eyes and request it in a way that sounds as if you're expecting her to give the number. Don't give her the option of saying no. You can use words like (without stuttering):


I've had a really nice time talking to you and I don't know if I'll run into you again. Let's exchange numbers so that we can do this another time.


You know, you're a very interesting person to talk to. I'd love for you to have my number and I'd love to have yours as well, so that we can have an opportunity to speak again.


Notice that in both cases, I did not ask for the number but rather implied that I was going to give her my phone number and that she would give hers in return. I did not ask her whether it's okay with her -- I presumed it was. Now, she'll either give me her number or give me an excuse.


4. Be Unprepared


Don't take out a pen and a piece of paper to write her number. You'll look like someone who planned the whole situation. Women like spontaneous men who act in the spur of the moment.


Instead, discreetly ask someone (bartender) for a pen and use available props such as a matchbook or napkin. Never use hand-held devices (palm pilot) or cell phones to record the number; you'll look like a showoff or even worse, a loser who lacks friends and is trying to fill up his phone book.


5. Give Her The Pen


Don't write the phone number yourself; give her the opportunity to write it down. Ask her to write her full name. This will prevent the embarrassing, "I'm sorry, what's your name again?" situation (a big mistake) from happening.


So you got her number, now what do you do?


6. Leave


As soon as you get the number, leave her presence. This will serve two purposes. First, you aren't sticking around and risking the chance of ruining the good impression you've made. Secondly, you'll leave her wanting more.


7. Remember Details


Once you find yourself alone, remember the details of the conversation and write them down so that you can use them when you call her, and show that you actually listened to her.


8. No Celebration


Once you get her number, return to your Wingmen without performing a victory dance and high-fiving your buddies. Women find this very unattractive, and you'll be having a relationship with her answering machine until you get the hint.


9. No Excuses


If, instead of giving you her number, she begins to make an excuse, don't wait for her to finish. Simply interrupt her with, "It was nice meeting you," and walk away.


That's right boys, don't give her the benefit of shooting you down. This is where you look confident and walk away with your head held up high. Don't even wait for her reaction, just walk away and go find someone else.


Can you feel the power on this one? Where else would you get the opportunity to reject a woman before she rejects you. People say, that women have posse power (due to a man's inability to control himself), but there is no greater power than a man who can resist and is able to reject a woman. Now this is true power.


In the end, I'll bet that she'll be more attracted to you than before, and even regret her decision. This fact, alone should encourage any man to approach a woman.


10. Be Discreet


If you decide to ask other women for their numbers, try to be discreet. The last thing you want is for Primary Target A to see you getting a number from Primary Target B. I personally am very happy with one number. Remember, one bird in the hand is better than two in the bush.


As easy as A-B-C.


There you go, my friends, asking for the 123s is as easy as reciting your ABCs. Just ask and wait, or walk away, and before you know it, you'll have a collection to add to your big black book.


Now that you have her number, you've got to call and sound like you know what you're talking about in order to get that first date. Find out how to handle the first phone conversation and keep the mystery going...

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Remaining mysterious


Why is mystery a key element in attracting women? The answer lies in the way people think. You see, the more time you spend thinking of someone, the more attracted you become to them.


So if you don't know much about someone, you will spend time thinking about who they are, what they do, what they're like, and so on. But if you already know everything about them, then you won't waste your time thinking about them. It's that simple.


1. Conduct the Interview


You're not giving your cards away and you're remaining mysterious as long as she keeps talking. By asking all the questions, she will feel like she has to prove her worthiness to you.


2. Never blab about the past


Keep the past in the past. Don't bring up your ex during a conversation, mention how hurt you were, talk about the fiancée who left you, or bring up that time you thought your dog was the reincarnation of Jackie Gleason.


3. Your family does not exist


Don't talk about your gay uncle, your aunt who committed suicide, your sister's ten children, your mother's drinking habits, or your father's gambling addiction. Your date is not a therapist and does not need to hear about your family problems. At least not yet.


4. No specifics


It's okay to talk about your job. She will definitely talk about it or bring it up, but don't talk about how much money you make. Most women already have the most current Gold Digger's Guide, with tables indicating a particular job's potential earnings, and the value of a particular car according to how fast it goes. She does not need you to remind her of her motives: let her do the research.

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The first telephone call is the most important one. Sure you have her number, but nothing has been won yet. Now you have to make her want to see you again, and the phone is your only tool.


You only get one chance and it all depends on the impression you'll make with the first telephone conversation, as well as the length of time that passes before you call her.


What's the technique?


Whenever a man gets a telephone number from a woman, there is always a big commotion about how long he should wait before calling her back. Some people wait at least three days, while others think ten days is more appropriate.


I, on the other hand, recommend a completely different approach. It might sound a little desperate, but I say if it works for me, it will work for others.


The secret to captivating a woman's mind is by calling her the very next day. Why? For three main reasons:




You want to get her while the chemistry between the two of you is still hot. If you wait too long, she'll either forget you, or feel resentful for making her wait so long.




She's expecting you to call her within the woman's three-day rule. Instead, be spontaneous (women love spontaneity) and surprise her. Call her when she least expects it.


Original technique


Some people might say that by calling the very next day, a man will seem desperate. This point is actually true. However, there is a technique that must be followed in order to avoid this problem.


The strategy involves a four-stage process:


*1- Call her late the following evening. I personally recommend between 8 and 9pm.


*2- Some guys sabotage their challenge appeal by keeping the phone against their pillow and listening to her breathe until she falls asleep. That's the wrong way of doing things. The Player says, "Keep the conversation short and interesting."


I personally recommend a maximum length of ten to fifteen minutes. All you want from the first phone call is to pique her interest and not overwhelm her.


*3- Instead of cutting off the conversation when you feel that it is beginning to lag, do the opposite, and cut it when the conversation is starting to get exciting.


Let her know that you really enjoyed talking to her, but unfortunately, you have to let her go. Then tell her you'll call her back the following day. This will definitely leave her wanting more.


*4- Call her back two days later. I know this might sound cruel, but if she thought you were desperate for calling the very next day, she now knows better. At the same time, her interest level in you will rise because you've become a challenge.

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Now that you've got her interest and attention, it's time for the second phone call. This is your opportunity to make a good impression and ask her out on a date. But before you pick up the phone, make sure you follow these rules.


Keep it light


Keep the conversation impersonal. Don't ask too many personal questions like, "So how many people have you slept with?"


Ask open-ended questions


Most men make the mistake of asking close-ended questions. This usually leads to a boring and pointless conversation.


The only way to truly make a conversation progress is by asking open-ended questions. For example:


Closed: Did you have fun Saturday night? Answer: "Yes" or "No."


Open: So what did you think about Saturday night? Answer: "Oh, I really blah, blah, blah..."


Obviously the open-ended question will give you a lot more to work with in order to build an interesting conversation. Listen to her response and build your next open-ended question off her answer.


No distractions


Keep the distractions to a minimum. There is nothing more aggravating or rude than talking to someone who keeps interrupting you because of what they're watching on TV, listening to on the radio, or talking about with a friend who happens to be beside them.


Don't focus on yourself


Some men make the mistake of bragging too much, or talking about their ex-girlfriends and how hurt they were when she left them.


Don't forget to keep her on her toes...


Keep her guessing


Keep quiet and stay mysterious, this is not a "feel sorry for myself" seminar. I'm sure she feels bad for you, but she's not interested in dating someone else's leftovers (a.k.a. a loser).


Don't burp


Don't make any bodily noises. Yes, I know burping and farting is accepted by your friends, but please blow your nose and hit the can before making the call.


No kinky talk


Don't ask her what she's wearing. It's the second phone call: you want her to trust you and feel comfortable. Leave the sexual innuendo for another night.


Be yourself


Don't overact and talk with that Casanova voice. The last thing you want to hear is, "Your voice sounds different for some reason."


Don't plan ahead


Don't make a list of topics to talk about if you will sound rehearsed and risk confusing yourself. Remember, you're a man, you can only do one thing at a time.


Something nice


Give her one and only one compliment. Be smart about it; compliment her voice or laugh. Don't mention any body parts -- especially if you're on the phone and you can't see her. Remember, women can smell crappy phoniness a mile away.


Keep her interested


End the conversation on a high note. Don't wait for the conversation to slow down to a turtle's pace. Like I said before, keep her interest level high by making her want you more.


Ask her out


You've made it this far genius; now ask her out on a date. If she gave you her number, then you followed The Player's rules and she's still talking to you. Don't second-guess yourself; ask for a date. Remember, hesitation leads to masturbation.

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The purpose of the second phone call is not to get to know each other, but rather to get her attention in order to set the next meeting. Leave the getting to know each other part for the actual date. The objective is to build a connection by starting with something simple, like going out for coffee or a drink.


When you call, make it short and don't try to rehash all the topics that were discussed when you first met. You should ask her about something she mentioned, which you noted on a piece of paper when you first asked for her number. This will put her at ease and help her trust you a little more because you're proving that you were paying attention to what she had to say, rather than her body.


There are two basic ways of asking a woman out for a date; the right way and the wrong way. In general, most men will ask the wrong way and as a result, they'll only make it easier for the woman to say no. Here's a good example of what to avoid asking, and the right way of requesting a date.


The Wrong Way


Would you like to go out sometime? If she responds with a "no," then you're left with no other option but to thank her for her time. If she says "yes," then you still have to ask her out. Instead, be specific and ask with confidence.


The Right Way


When you ask for a date, you should have two different dates in mind. This ensures that you are not begging her, but rather giving her the choice. You should also keep in mind that you never ask for a Friday or Saturday night date, at least not at first.


These two nights are too big and too serious to start a date with. It's like playing in the World Series without practicing first. I personally recommend a Wednesday or Thursday night: when people generally don't have much planned. Here's what works for me.


"I'd like to take you out for coffee at The Big Café. Any interest in going either Wednesday or Thursday?" Notice that by being specific, I'm giving my potential date a couple of seconds to think about it, rather than catching her by surprise.


What if She Hesitates?


By asking in such a way, you're virtually guaranteed to land that date. But sometimes, even though you followed these rules to the tee, you may still get a woman who simply refuses to go on a date.


Her nice way of letting you down is by hesitating or making an excuse. Don't wait for her to finish. Just interrupt her and say, "Look, I can tell you're not interested, and I don't want to bother you any longer. It was nice talking to you and I guess I'll let you go. Goodbye," and hang up.


Don't feel bad about the situation. This scenario happens to a lot of men, even some of the best players such as myself. It's part of the game, and as long as you know how to bow out gracefully, you'll never give a woman the chance to shake your ego.


Handling the Answering Machine


The answering machine can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on how you handle the situation. Here are my rules for mastering the answering machine:


1- Never leave a message the first time you call. You never know if your potential date actually got her message or if it was intercepted by a jealous ex, roommate, or eaten up by the machine.


2- Never call back the same day; wait at least 24 hours. Today, most people have caller ID, and the last thing you want is for her to think you're a desperate stalker.


3- If you get the answering machine on the second call, simply leave your name (don't leave your number) and tell her you'll call her back, and nothing more. You're not trying to develop a relationship with her machine.


4- If you get the answering machine when you call a third time (boy, you have to be really unlucky), it is time to leave your name and phone number. Say something like, "Hi, it's David, that wonderful guy from Saturday night. Well, I'd love to talk to you, so when you have some time, call me at 672-1269."


If she doesn't call, then it means she's not interested. So instead of making a fool of yourself, simply accept the facts and move on to another target.


5- Never ask an answering machine for a date. It sends the wrong message, and it shows the woman that you're a big coward.


A Well Taught Lesson


So what did you learn from this? Well, if you're going to remember only one thing, then it should be the most valuable telephone lesson that you should abide by:


End the phone conversation when it is at its most exciting.


If you're able to do this, you'll have every single woman wanting more and before you know it, you'll need a receptionist to book your dates.

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Wow wow wow


Now how about the same set of rules for girls? :p

Hi Paulie, I'm really glad to hear you met this new lady. But in case things don't work out with this one...don't worry. You will have no trouble meeting a new girl. Girls find you to be very handsome so don't even worry about your looks. Not a problem there. Personality and attitude mean everything. There are three things that I (and most girls) love about a guy. I read somewhere that some guy made this into a concept...something like 'the 3 C's of male desirability" (don't remember exactly). But what he wrote was right on the mark. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how true it was. Well here are the 3 C's: 1. Challenge. I'm sure everyone knows about this. If not, ask Tony. I can never say it any better than he always has. If you seem like a challenge, girls will pursue you. If you're always around or always calling, they will lose interest in you very quickly. 2. Control. Self-control in your words and actions will do the trick. You don't want to come across as desperate and you don't want to pour your heart out too soon, or girls will just not be as interested in you. 3. Confidence. This is the most important one. Girls are attracted to guys that have high self-confidence (not arrogant guys). It's not too difficult to become comfortable approaching girls. The best way is to talk to strangers when you're out and about. I don't mean just attractive girls, but instead anyone and everyone. When I'm out with my boyfriend in public, I notice how he can strike up a conversation with anyone...the guy in line in front of us..the waitress..the cashier...and it really makes me admire him even more. Trust me, he used to have THE lowest self-esteem and was extremely shy a couple years ago, and now he just radiates with confidence. Girls definitely notice this kind of stuff. All it took was practice... I'm adding some articles below this post...they're rather long but VERY good...and very true. I feel guilty posting articles without citing the author but unfortunately I don't know who wrote it. Hope this helps!
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