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Who is interested in dating attractive, sensitive and caring Black women?

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Hey, glad 2 see you took that well Topaze, wasn't sure if you would :p


Like I said before New York is a fabulous place to meet and get to know ppl of all types. Most parts of Claifornia are too, especially Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando are great too, etc...basically any well-integrated city/state. .


But really, instead of looking for where to go, since just by being an intelligent and attractive woman, your options are very wide (don't let anyone try to dissuade you otherwise :mad: ), it'll be better to figure out the places where you wouldn't want to waste your time--i.e, your current location or say some little suburb in Minnesota or Idaho--get the picture? State doesn't matter so much as the particular neighborhood/town in that state.

I don't know canada but surely there must be better integrated areas there than where you live.


You should feel comfortable in your environment, not stressed that you're the wrong color, you know?


Try to look into it.

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Originally posted by CurvyGurl [/]


One of the biggest reasons I moved south to Atlanta was because I wanted to date black men. I wanted to date black men that love and appreciate black culture and black women. I have not dated a white man since I arrived here two years ago... I have been approached by them, though.


so topaze, why are you not calling curvy-girl out on her "racist views" for not dating white men?


ohhhhhhhh, because it's black and that's okay....


(sorry, curvy-girl, i don't think you're racist, but according to topaze, you would be.)




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I don't know canada but surely there must be better integrated areas there than where you live


Nobody is going to convince me that Montreal and Toronto don't have communities where she'll find someone. We're talking cities of 3 million people.

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Aye, Moi would be correct. In larger cities, there is less of a problem with this issue because there is usually a large diversity. I live in the second largest city in Indiana. Indiana is very very very conservative overall, but the diversity here where I live is amazing and the number of interracial couples is huge. Just step outtside the city an all of that changes.

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Originally posted by SleepingLover

Aye, Moi would be correct. In larger cities, there is less of a problem with this issue because there is usually a large diversity. I live in the second largest city in Indiana. Indiana is very very very conservative overall, but the diversity here where I live is amazing and the number of interracial couples is huge. Just step outtside the city an all of that changes.


but the point is that no matter what the range of diversity, you can't make someone like something they don't like.


i don't like oranges, despite having known oranges all my life. moving to florida is not going to make me like oranges just because i am surrounded by more.

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Huh? That made no sense. Clearly if there are more people, there will be more people who have different tastes. If she wants black guys, she needs to hit the parts of town where they hang out. If she wants other guys, she needs to still hang out where people hang out who date interracially and larger cities will be more likely to have those sorts of places.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Huh? That made no sense. Clearly if there are more people, there will be more people who have different tastes. If she wants black guys, she needs to hit the parts of town where they hang out. If she wants other guys, she needs to still hang out where people hang out who date interracially and larger cities will be more likely to have those sorts of places.


it made sense to me.


nevermind, not sure how else to explain it any more simply.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Huh? That made no sense. Clearly if there are more people, there will be more people who have different tastes. If she wants black guys, she needs to hit the parts of town where they hang out. If she wants other guys, she needs to still hang out where people hang out who date interracially and larger cities will be more likely to have those sorts of places.



Exactly. No one cares about the ppl who don't like "oranges'. The point is to make her see that there are in fact, many people out there who do. Where she is right now just doesn't happen to be one of those places.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Huh? That made no sense. Clearly if there are more people, there will be more people who have different tastes. If she wants black guys, she needs to hit the parts of town where they hang out. If she wants other guys, she needs to still hang out where people hang out who date interracially and larger cities will be more likely to have those sorts of places.



Exactly. No one cares about the ppl who don't like "oranges'. The point is to make her see that there are in fact, many people out there who do. Where she is right now just doesn't happen to be one of those places.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Huh? That made no sense. Clearly if there are more people, there will be more people who have different tastes. If she wants black guys, she needs to hit the parts of town where they hang out. If she wants other guys, she needs to still hang out where people hang out who date interracially and larger cities will be more likely to have those sorts of places.



Exactly. No one cares about the ppl who don't like "oranges'. Obviously they exist, just as they do in regards to other races. The point is to make her see that there are in fact, many people out there who do know how to appreciate a good orange ( :rolleyes: ). Where she is right now just doesn't happen to be one of those places.

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but regardless of who cares about who likes who, it's not going to make someone like something (or someone) that they don't like.


people may "care" that i haven't dated other races, but it's not going make me do it just because i am surrounded by more.


f*ck the oranges.

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Originally posted by GirlDown

but regardless of who cares about who likes who, it's not going to make someone like something (or someone) that they don't like.


people may "care" that i haven't dated other races, but it's not going make me do it just because i am surrounded by more.


f*ck the oranges.


You missed the point I think.


It IS NOT about making people like yourself like something that you don't. It is mere fact that cities with higher populations and greater diversity have a much higher diversity rating when it comes to dating and interracial couples. People in these cities, also, don't tend to be taken aback or surprised by interracial couples either so the atmosphere for diversity in the dating scene blossoms because nobody cares or tends to take notice too much. Sure, you get a few glances but nobody really stares much. I'm not the type who gives a shiat what other people think of my date anyhow... they can eat my shorts if they don't like it ... and I'll have to be sure to mess them first :p

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Originally posted by SleepingLover



You missed the point I think.


It IS NOT about making people like yourself like something that you don't. It is mere fact that cities with higher populations and greater diversity have a much higher diversity rating when it comes to dating and interracial couples. People in these cities, also, don't tend to be taken aback or surprised by interracial couples either so the atmosphere for diversity in the dating scene blossoms because nobody cares or tends to take notice too much. Sure, you get a few glances but nobody really stares much. I'm not the type who gives a shiat what other people think of my date anyhow... they can eat my shorts if they don't like it ... and I'll have to be sure to mess them first :p


and i hear you, too.

my point is that i am not missing the point, i just don't necessarily agree with it 100%. the semantics of it, yes. but as a whole, i still think it comes down to certain factors. of course places with more interacial couples are more likely to accept it, but i wasn't really talking about that.


it's just topaze, i've seen some of the shyt she thinks in other posts and i tend to disagree wholeheartedly with it. it leaks into these posts too, and i see through it. it's not meant to be a debate with other people. but that doesn't bother me either.



i think it's my point that is being missed, but i don't think i can explain it any better. so i won't.



and as for the bold, good for you.


also, i should thank you all for making me remember how topaze's posts give me a massive headache and that i should continue avoiding them. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Topaze

This thread is a spin off from the Asian male interracial dating thread. A number of people have suggested that Asian men and Black women are not at a disadvantage in the dating world. So, I am going to put it to the men and use myself as an example. This is not a personal ad but a survey.


Woud YOU date an attractive, sensitive, caring, and playful Black woman? Please respond and indicate why or why not? Please indicate your race, age and the city, province or state in which you live. I am curious to see if age and region have an impact on any of this.


I have dated interracially but I must be honest and say that the majority of men I meet are White and not open to dating a Black woman. I am not sure if that is the luck of the draw or if most men who aren't Black just don't find Black women attractive. Perhaps I have been going to the wrong places. I am open to suggestions about where I can go to meet more men who are open to dating Black women.


So, please help me out here. Please be honest but not cruel. Thank you for your help.


Well as you may know I`m half Aus/half Jap, 15 and is currently living in Australia, the country down under. You`re saying as if being black is a bad thing when considering i see HEAPS of aussie dudes w/ black women. I personally love Jamaicans and also half-castes. Seriously if you`re having trouble in America, just pop down to Aus and you`ll see that people are alot more open to dating other nationalities (considering australia is very multi-cultural). Saying that you`re 40 and look much younger, I`m somehow getting an image of the Aus Idol judge, Marcia Hines (who is considered as a diva). If ur quite a traveller, y not give aus a go eh??

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  • 5 months later...

When I was in college in Paris, I was attracted to a black girl from Zimbabwe. I never had the courage to tell her that, plus she had a BF. She was sexy, cheerful, energetic, slim and cute, and spoke fluently English, French, and Italian.


I told her she was beautiful and she said: "No, you're lucky!" I asked her what she meant by that and she didn't tell me. Many years later I figured out that she was talking about me being lucky because I am white. Sad.

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I'm a black female and I get approached by all different races. I date mostly white men so yes topaze some white men do find black women attractive- or me at least (smile).

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Woud YOU date an attractive, sensitive, caring, and playful Black woman? Please respond and indicate why or why not? Please indicate your race, age and the city, province or state in which you live. I am curious to see if age and region have an impact on any of this.


Yes. Why - same reasons as dating any attractive, sensitive, caring & playful woman, plus I think black women are quite attractive anyway. I'm white and in my early 30s, live in the UK.

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Woud YOU date an attractive, sensitive, caring, and playful Black woman? Please respond and indicate why or why not? Please indicate your race, age and the city, province or state in which you live. I am curious to see if age and region have an impact on any of this.


Well, as long as her shirt collars and cuffs match, I'm game. :)


I just realized that all but one of the women I've dated in my life were white... and the one that wasn't was half. That's not by design; it's just the way it's worked out. There's a very low proportion of black women where I live.


But anyway, I'm white, 33, living in Vancouver, B.C. If I'm attracted to somebody, that's all there is to it. The women I tend to gravitate towards have a pretty consistent set of of attributes, but they can be found in women of any race (skin colour isn't one of them).

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  • 1 month later...
So bad I had to move away. Black men definitely take advantage of the competition between non black women for their attention and affection. My brother says he does't date black women because they don't do what he tells them to do.





Anyhow, to the OP-- perhaps a change of scenery is in order.


Both of my brothers married white women...they said the very same thing...sometimes I have to stop my brother from saying "Black women are b#tches" and remind him that his mother and sisters are black women.

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Why is it that so many attractive black women feel they are more attractive or valuable if they are with white men? They speak of their relationships with white men as if they are expecting a trophy or something. With the exception of the South, in most of North America you will almost never see an attractive black woman with a black man. From the models, to beautiful career women, almost all white men. These women have no difficulty attracting men, yet they choose men outside of their race I believe out of this inferiority complex that seems to be pervading among black women in North America. I am surprised that a black woman would move to find more black men. Most (attractive) seem to be comfortable asserting their preference for men outside their race. With what I believe to be the majority of attractive black women with white men, why is it that black women never criticize them?

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Im a w/f .I have dated white men black men men of black and white mixed race,asian men ,hispanic men and variations of theese races mixed.I too have heard the strange thing about women buying black men expensive things.This is strange.I was married to a man of mixed race black and white , the only thing I have found is that the black men I dated were more likely to cheat,or maybe just easier to catch at it.I enjoyed dating hispanic men but found that their mothers werent really crazy about their sons dating a white girl.Too much hastle.I once dated a man whos family was from India, this worked well except for the cultural differences his mother was an amazing cook.Im with a white man now and happy but I dont think it has to do with his race, more the person he is and compatibility.Ive lived on the east coast US ,Virginia Ncarolina Scarolina Florida,West Coast US California, and Texas where I currently reside.I have several close g/f who I grew up with that are black females , They too claim that They would like to date men of other races but the men tend to not be interested ,They even tend to not be able to get dates with nice black men ,instead either picking from the bottom of the barrel,or not dating at all, and I swear one of my g/f is 10 times the looker I am, this is crazy if I were a guy of and race Id pick her up and run away with her.

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  • 1 month later...
This thread is a spin off from the Asian male interracial dating thread. A number of people have suggested that Asian men and Black women are not at a disadvantage in the dating world. So, I am going to put it to the men and use myself as an example. This is not a personal ad but a survey.


Woud YOU date an attractive, sensitive, caring, and playful Black woman? Please respond and indicate why or why not? Please indicate your race, age and the city, province or state in which you live. I am curious to see if age and region have an impact on any of this.


I have dated interracially but I must be honest and say that the majority of men I meet are White and not open to dating a Black woman. I am not sure if that is the luck of the draw or if most men who aren't Black just don't find Black women attractive. Perhaps I have been going to the wrong places. I am open to suggestions about where I can go to meet more men who are open to dating Black women.


So, please help me out here. Please be honest but not cruel. Thank you for your help.


I would be very interested in dating an attractive, sensitive, caring, and playful Black woman... but i also have the bad habit of falling in love with a person instead of falling in love with a body. i know if i respect a woman and fall for the person that she is she will put me in the 'just friends' category. i have been burned and am now learning to not see women beyond the physical attributes... lest i shall become her friend!


if u can deal with me appreciating u as a complete person pm me!

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