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Weird Statement

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I went out with a few friends from work...One of them is a MM who has been showing interest in me for nearly a year...Anyway, one of my coworkers brought her husband...the MM wasn't much company to me, I guess he had guilt issues being out with me, but he made a weird remark...

My friends husband had his arms around both me and his wife a few times...just as a friendly gesture, making me feel included, since the MM was aloof for most of the night...but the MM asked why he kept putting his arms around me, in a jealous possessive tone. I'm not with him, and he basically ignored me for most of the night...so why would he care if someone else put his arms around me?

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He cared because he is interested in you and got jealous. He is the type that cheats on his wife and is wanting to get with you too only it is trickier perhaps since you work together. Sounds like an insecure cheating creep. Stay away from him and let him be aloof to himself.

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