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A disturbing friend

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Hi, my husband and I got married in 2000 and there was a girl who had taken a liking to him at that time. We are all friends. Recently, she sent an email to inform him of her change in mobile number but did not send me one. I think she is still interested in him. How would you handle women who are interested in your husbands? What would you do if you were me? Thanks!

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I think that you need to not concern yourself with this unless your husband does anything with the phone number. You need to not drive yourself crazy with what if's. I am in a much more difficult situation due to my husband that did all sorts of communication with other women that I became a crazy woman. Do not let yourself get that way. Remain true to who you are and don't let it get to you.


I wish that I could give you advice about the other women thing. Unfortunatly, it's very clear that there are people in this world that don't respect other people's marriages. You can't control other people as much as you wish you could. As this other woman has not done anything more than giving out her number, it would be too premature to think anything of it at this time. Good luck!

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Aye.. I agree that you should just ignore it. It might only fuel her fire more if you say or do something. If you trust your husband then you have nothing to worry about. You could also look at it as flattering? I don't mind when I'm with a lady and all the guys are gawking... the fact remains that all they can do is look, I know whose arm she is on and who she is leaving with and it isn't them heheh...

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Hi, my husband and I got married in 2000 and there was a girl who had taken a liking to him at that time. We are all friends. Recently, she sent an email to inform him of her change in mobile number but did not send me one. I think she is still interested in him. How would you handle women who are interested in your husbands? What would you do if you were me? Thanks!


Confront her unaccusingly, but make her 'know' that what she is doing is very inappropriate. And also tell your husband that you are not impressed by her behaviour. I think she is definately hoping of something...Whether it be a casual friendship or a flirt fest to make herself feel better.


Or better yet, CALL her on that new cellphone number to have this conversation! Just abit ODD that she would do this if all of you are friends.

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Thanks for your feedback! I can ignore it if she does not do anything more. But today, she had just sent another email to my husband to update her address book without sending a similar email to me again. This time, don't you think she is too much? :eek:


SleepingLover: I like that kind of admiration too provided it is just the looks :-) :laugh:


AnnaMay: I am not so cool about such things as my parents had a close friend who got too close to my dad too. My mum was too trusting and that girlfriend had taken advantage of it. So, I am rather wary of such women.


whichwayisup: Thanks for your support but I would not call her up as I do not wish to degrade myself to do that and also that would mean letting her know she is hurting me. :mad:

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Sounds like you are friends with her too. Y else would you expect a similar mail if you wern't? If you are friends too you should confront and just say.. ah hem we are friends too, I did not get that mail how come. This puts the ball in her court and you can find out by her reaction if she's nervous about it you kinda can then figure out her intensions from there.


Sneaky but affective I find.. :bunny:

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Does she have your Number and Email Adress? If she doesn't that could be why she is contacting your husband instead.

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Perhaps she just gave the number to your husband because it was meant for both of you?


She knew he would pass it on to you, therefore why do it twice?

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If she was truly YOUR friend she would have sent it to you, and not him. Now she's really just someone that wants to get in to his pants

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