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Am I over reacting?

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The past week my boyfriend has been a bit distant from me. A guy who I have given a second chance to. Since Monday, he has been staying after school to do "work" but in actuality has been going to his ex's house multiple times. Yes, he is the one who tells me because he lets me know how much of a good time he has. I know this ex of his, and they broke up 4 years ago, but I still get incredibly uneasy at the thought of them being alone together in his ex's HOUSE.



I feel like if I bring it up, I'm going to seem annoying. They are practically best friends, but that does not change the fact that they were together at some period and he hasn't been answering my text messages all that much too lately.



I just feel like I let a lot of things slide that normally would be unacceptable. You would think that someone who has lost your trust would be on top of their game when it comes to eliminating any doubt you have.

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The past week my boyfriend has been a bit distant from me. A guy who I have given a second chance to. Since Monday, he has been staying after school to do "work" but in actuality has been going to his ex's house multiple times. Yes, he is the one who tells me because he lets me know how much of a good time he has. I know this ex of his, and they broke up 4 years ago, but I still get incredibly uneasy at the thought of them being alone together in his ex's HOUSE.



I feel like if I bring it up, I'm going to seem annoying. They are practically best friends, but that does not change the fact that they were together at some period and he hasn't been answering my text messages all that much too lately.



I just feel like I let a lot of things slide that normally would be unacceptable. You would think that someone who has lost your trust would be on top of their game when it comes to eliminating any doubt you have.


Obviously, this relationship should be taken out back and put out of its misery. End it.

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Don't let things slide.


When it comes to trust, you know what is best for you. Even if you can't write down on paper what gives you unease, you feel it in your gut.


I forgave a cheater too. I let a lot of things slide. She wanted to talk to the guy (I refuse to use man to describe him because he simply isn't one) she cheated on me with. He doesn't have anyone to talk to about his work she said. I couldn't give a damn if he was your best friend. Then I found out she was doing it behind my back.


I let it slide, eventually it stopped, but I still let it slide. Along with a whole slew of other behaviours I let slide including she wanted to keep on cheating and I should accept her for who she is.


I hated myself. I flipped between anger and acceptance.


Regardless of what it is, you feel the unease and upset of letting things slide because things aren't right. I don't happen to someone that can trust my SO hanging out with their ex.


Just leave NC. That's the best advice I can give and I wish I could give it to myself a long time ago. I probably would have ignored it like I ignored the advice of the people on this forum. But I know better now. It's not worth the pain, anguish, and whatever english words that don't do the pain justice.


Don't wonder what he's doing. He's lost your trust before and I'd say he's never got it back and never will.


End it.

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Exes are exes for a reason, and he is blatantly disrespecting you by having any sort of relationship with her, especially being at her house without you their.



Relationships have boundaries, and your boyfriend doesn't seem to know what that term is. If you don't bring it up, I have a feeling you are going to regret it.



How would he feel if the situation was reversed ? You hanging out with an ex boyfriend alone ?

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