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Is he trying to cheat on his wife with me?

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Weird question....so this guy I know (the forbidden fruit guy if you read my other post) Is cool, he's married and 29 years old. I sell weed to him sometimes. Even though I like him I know my boundaries. I know to keep it cool, well l got drunk one night and this guy was talking about Tony (forbidden fruit guy) I said "He's so cute and adorable" Well 2 days later Tony calls my phone and texts me in the morning. First of all, he never calls me, second, he never texts me in the morning. When he wants weed he always texts me in the evening, plus I already sold him a ton of weed 3 days prior to this, and so I didn't respond.


So he texts me at 7pm and says "Do you got any?" And I finally replied and said "Yeah" He said "Cool is there any way you can come by my house?" That's another....He always comes to my house, he never makes me go to his house. So I agreed to it, and he told me to meet him in his garage. So I got lost, and he had to stand outside for me to see him, and he comes to my car, and he asks "What are you doing tonight?" I said "I am going to my boy (hesitation) I mean friend's house he lives in Oakdale." Tony said "Hmm, sounds like fun" I said "What are you doing?" He said he was putting together a paint sprayer compressor thing, and so I said I had to go, and he said "Ok, be safe bye" Now this is really awkward for me. I don't know what to do? I hope he isn't trying to cheat on his wife with me. I just find it all bizarre because he is not pushy like that with me, and he doesn't tell me to come to his house, and he just acted different. What do you get from all of this? It was after I said to HIS friend that I think he's "cute and adorable" Now he was bothering me? What do you think? Be honest! Thanks!!

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Kinda hard to say. Guess it could go either way. But I hope if he actually is, that you won't go along with it. You don't want to be that person.

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It really doesn't matter what his intentions are - he is married responding in any way would compromise that fact. No one can get into another person's brain until words actually come out of their mouth. Are you asking because you are curious and tempted? Or are you actually interested in setting up proper boundaries? If it's the latter then figuring out how to respond isn't all that difficult. Heeding the warning signs is always a good idea!

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Nothing in that post makes me feel like he was trying to put the moves on you. If I had to guess, I would think that he got sick and tired of driving around with weed in his car. Afraid of getting pulled over. So, he had you deliver it. You'll know the next time he calls.



Plus, I wouldn't post a lot on here about your drug dealing business! LOL!

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I'd suggest revisiting your boundary.


Several things -


Don't get drunk

Don't tell his friends things you don't intend him to hear

Selling weed? Hmmm, might be risky

There was no need to go to him

He is married...


You are flirting with and fueling the fire. And you can also not do that!

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Don't get confused- you are his weed hook up. Nothing more.



Don't worry there are plenty of cute, adorable and available men who are not married. Go find them instead.



It does not sound like he is interested at all. He just wanted to get stoned and work in his garage on his paint sprayer.



Besides don't you already have a boyfriend who lives in Oakdale?

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It really doesn't matter what his intentions are - he is married responding in any way would compromise that fact. No one can get into another person's brain until words actually come out of their mouth. Are you asking because you are curious and tempted? Or are you actually interested in setting up proper boundaries? If it's the latter then figuring out how to respond isn't all that difficult. Heeding the warning signs is always a good idea!


Don't get confused- you are his weed hook up. Nothing more.


I'm curious. I do like him, but I know I can't do anything. I know my boundaries, and if he is acting up, then I know I have to drop him because he's a married man.



Don't worry there are plenty of cute, adorable and available men who are not married. Go find them instead.



It does not sound like he is interested at all. He just wanted to get stoned and work in his garage on his paint sprayer.



Besides don't you already have a boyfriend who lives in Oakdale?


No, it was a mistake, he's a friend....I don't have a boyfriend.

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I am curious so I know what to do. I do like him, but i know I can't do anything with him and I know my boundaries with him. I find it all to be a bit too weird.....he hasn't contacted me, it was a total change in behavior. I am probably looking too much into it, but he never acted that way with me. He never is pushy with me like that. I said he was cute and adorable to his friend, who knows him and hangs out with him frequently, plus his friend is the type that tells everyone everything, and that is why I feel like it was such a mistake! Because his friend doesn't keep secrets, he was telling me stories about other people, so I know he definitely told him. It's making things awkward now...

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