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Romantic Prospects and Maintenance

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Whatever state you are in right now. Single or coupled up in a Marriage or Common Law or BF/GF or same sex etc.


What makes a person a romantic prospect to you. In terms of looks and personality?


If you are coupled up. What disgiguishes that person you are with from a Friend vs a lover. Is it the physical relations that makes you that way. Or is it like having a female or male best friend where you can turn the heat on and off.


Also is there times where you don't think of your SO in a romantic way for a long period of times and does it affect you in a positive or negative way.


For me. I am single. I do feel like a lack of physical affection makes me a little depressed. Its not like I want stripers of hookers could correct that. I don't want someone who does not feel that way to me, to give me affection when they are not into me.


At age 43. I feel different towards women now. Unless she is into me. I usually feel nothing. I can admire good looks, but unless she is really personable to me. I don't feel anything.


When I look back at my life. I seem to get more of my way with the women that come after me, than the women I go for. Its like the universe is telling me to let it come to me. All my male friends that are in great relationships, the women were the ones that came to them. All my male friends that went for the women. Its a Soap opera at best.


Anyways. Just curious about peoples experience.

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Divorced, 30's male


In terms of attraction threshold, there are some that I have known for years, I value their quality level, but they have issue(s) that are a clear deal breaker; i.e. not a prospect, never will be.


A prospect is one who has the qualities, intelligence, looks, ethics, life course, and does not have the dealbreakers, eh? There are unspoken characteristics / manner that you "know" as well.


At age 43. I feel different towards women now. Unless she is into me. I usually feel nothing. I can admire good looks, but unless she is really personable to me. I don't feel anything.

Good, I know I am not alone in feeling this way then :)

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I first determine whether that person is into me.


Then I see how it goes.


Women don't come after me and if I take things slow, I'm apt to fall for the woman and get rejected after. So, I cannot do things that way. I make my interest known very early in the game.


For me, dating is very much an open game. The range of women I would date is vast. And I'm about your ages (first two posters).


Of course, marriage would be different.

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