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Did you marry your soulmate?

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IMO, the soulmate concept is nonsense. I interpret it to instead mean that two people are extremely compatible, and recognize that in each other.



On that basis, yes, my second marriage meets the criteria.

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I thought I had met my soulmate years ago. Based on that stupid belief I stayed in an unhealthy relationship & wasted my youth.


My husband is awesome. I love him dearly & we are highly compatible. But I do not believe he's my soulmate.


I think the concept does a great deal of damage making people thinks it's out there, letting them reject great partners because of some fantasy & generally deluding folks.

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I married someone who feels like "home" to me. I don't know if what qualifies as a soulmate, but it feels like we were made for each other.

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I have never believed in the idea of soulmates. However, every day I spend with my wife makes me rethink the question.

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When I was seven years old I met a boy who was nine months older. We developed a deep emotional connection - one that neither of us could explain. That connection lasted a whole life time (41 years) and beyond - he died nearly two years ago and I can still 'feel' him.


We were childhood sweethearts, but went our separate ways in our teens (staying friends from a distance). Our adult romantic relationship didn't start until we'd both turned thirty.


We got married, we were very happy and, at the time, I believed he was my soulmate.


Many years later we separated and then divorced, although we still cared deeply for one another. At his funeral his best mate (since childhood) told me that he'd never seen that kind of connection between two people before and didn't understand what it was.


So did I marry my soulmate? If such a thing exists then, yes, my intuitive side says that I did. However, the rational side of me says there is no such thing because we're all really just a cluster of living cells and chemical reactions.


Many years ago, when I was still married, I was hypnotically regressed to a past life (I don't even believe in regression or past lives - or at least I didn't, now I'm more open minded on it). My husband was, very clearly, with me in that past life. Did that past life actually happen, or was my mind just playing tricks on me? I naturally gravitate towards the latter explanation.


I'm deeply in love with my new man. We've been together for five years now and I believe our relationship was 'meant to be'. So is he my soulmate now then?


Maybe I'll found out who wins the coveted title in my next life - if there is one! :laugh:

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That was a beautiful story,you can have any number of soulmates,it's so sad that he died.:(


I remember my past lives from my dreams probably five of them,so yes I do think you were regressed to that time and that's why you felt such a strong strange connection to him which is still going on now.


I understand many people don't believe we have souls anymore and that's perfectly okay.




When I was seven years old I met a boy who was nine months older. We developed a deep emotional connection - one that neither of us could explain. That connection lasted a whole life time (41 years) and beyond - he died nearly two years ago and I can still 'feel' him.


We were childhood sweethearts, but went our separate ways in our teens (staying friends from a distance). Our adult romantic relationship didn't start until we'd both turned thirty.


We got married, we were very happy and, at the time, I believed he was my soulmate.


Many years later we separated and then divorced, although we still cared deeply for one another. At his funeral his best mate (since childhood) told me that he'd never seen that kind of connection between two people before and didn't understand what it was.


So did I marry my soulmate? If such a thing exists then, yes, my intuitive side says that I did. However, the rational side of me says there is no such thing because we're all really just a cluster of living cells and chemical reactions.


Many years ago, when I was still married, I was hypnotically regressed to a past life (I don't even believe in regression or past lives - or at least I didn't, now I'm more open minded on it). My husband was, very clearly, with me in that past life. Did that past life actually happen, or was my mind just playing tricks on me? I naturally gravitate towards the latter explanation.


I'm deeply in love with my new man. We've been together for five years now and I believe our relationship was 'meant to be'. So is he my soulmate now then?


Maybe I'll found out who wins the coveted title in my next life - if there is one! :laugh:

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Yes I like to believe that I did. However, she did not love me back. She asked for a divorce two years in a row and then the second time she finally moved out and abandoned me. We were only married for two years in our early 30s.


So where does that put us? Compatibility or simply facing the fact that we are all just animals? I think my pet was more of a soul mate to me than she was because my pet loved me unconditionally. You could see it in its eyes and its behavior.


Soulmates do exist, but they are extremely hard to find in today's civilization when the media influences eveyone so much to the point where relationships are no longer based on the same solid foundation as they used to be.

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No. The term doesn't even make any sense. Either we have an EXCEEDINGLY high number of soul mates or the basic logistics of meeting them would be so slim almost all would never met them.


No. I am married to an amazing man who I love with all of my heart and is a great fit and my best friend and super sexy. I am more than happy with that.

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Man Mountain Makino
Just curious to know of people who believe they married their soulmates?

I think soulmates is an immature concept. The idea that in all of creation, there's one person that's shares a psychic link with you.


Indeed, it's impossibly self absorbed and self flattering.


I don't know what anyone besides sixteen year old girls would believe such a thing. For most people, there's any number of people they can build an enduring relationship with.

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