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Men Bashing...

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I actually read that there was a survey taken and 80% of men are unattractive to women period. So that leaves the other 20% to capitalize on that.


* This is what happens when white knights make 2/10 whales feel good about themselves


It’s women, not men, who have unrealistic standards for the “average” member of the opposite sex. The truth is, women only find 20% of men attractive. If you ask men to rate a random sampling of women, it will come out to an average 5. Women however, will average at around 2.5/10.


Here is a graph showing women rating men's attractiveness.





Basically women rate 80% of men below average (on this graph that is a 2.5/5). So women only find 20% of men attractive.


I found this interesting because consistently in the media, men are looked at as these dogs that only want beautiful women, yet women on the other hand are MUCH harsher than men when judging attractiveness. While we here are quite happy to rate girls quite high (almost every girl is a 10/10 on here every day), women have even HIGHER standards. on an equivalent forum they'd probably say, "7/10 HBB wat do?" as finding a 10/10 for them is so rare where as men find 5% of women to be a 10/10, women find almost 0.


Oldie but goodie from here: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/general/general-relationship-discussion/356922-seems-most-women-either-find-man-hot-ugly


You?re Probably Passing Up Your Soulmate, And Don?t Know It


Your Looks and Your Inbox « OkTrends


It's a plot by mostly male CEOs to sell their products


Unless you are in those boardrooms to know the CEOs are all male...then you are just making stuff up

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This thread further confirms my comment that the men who whine about women whine a whole lot louder.


I think when women bash men or men bash women, it boils down to either thinking they are for some reason entitled to "getting some" and don't OR it is easier to bash and blame the opposite gender than take a good honest look in the mirror. And really if you are a woman who hates men or a man who hates women, who in their right mind would want to date you?

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Unless you are in those boardrooms to know the CEOs are all male...then you are just making stuff up


Oh jesus christ I would just tell you to put "how many women ceos" into google or something, but I'm sure you wouldn't do it. You must be living under a rock somewhere, because this issue is well known.


And we are indeed looking at larger companies, because they're the ones who put most of the advertising on tv.


This is a list of women who currently hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2014 Fortune 1000 lists. Women currently hold 5.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions and 5.4 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions.

Knowledge Center | Catalyst.org

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This 80/20 discussion that's going on around this site is so flawed, it's embarrassing. The only people who look bad are the people continuously posting this like it's a fact.


Oh and I found it, apparently it was OKCupid, which is where all our real life facts and tips should come from.


Yes, the OKTrends data does support the 80/20 theory. Self assessment surveys just measure what people want to believe about themselves, or what they believes reflects better on them. The OKTrends data measures actual behavior, not self-assessment, and takes advantage of a huge data sample. Christian Rudder, the guy who does the data analysis graduated from Harvard with a degree in mathematics. I'd say it's a pretty credible source. It's also very much consistent with the way evolutionary psychologists believe human mating patterns were in the evolutionary environment, pre-monogamy.


What I think is interesting is how much it irritates some women, and how vehemently they try to discredit the people and statistics that indicate such behavior. Interestingly though, they aren't the least bit prone to change their behavior. Because it's biologically determined––hardwired as they say.


leavesonautumn, honestly– when was the last time an average or below average-looking guy made you wet?


Excerpt from the page we're talking about...

But with the basic ratings so out-of-whack, the two curves together suggest some strange possibilities for the female thought process, the most salient of which is that the average-looking woman has convinced herself that the vast majority of males aren’t good enough for her, but she then goes right out and messages them anyway.


Just to illustrate that women are operating on a very different scale, here are just a few of the many, many guys we here in the office think are totally decent-looking, but that women have rated, in their occult way, as significantly less attractive than so-called “medium” [pics omitted]


Females of OkCupid, we site founders say to you: ouch! Paradoxically, it seems it’s women, not men, who have unrealistic standards for the “average” member of the opposite sex.

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I think some women are unrealistic. Just like some men are unrealistic. I don't know if this is a thing for men, but some women will say they like "his" kind of man because that is the kind of man we are told we should want, when they really want "that" kind of man. It can be confusing for men.


I really don't like number ratings or calling people whales, but I do have a few friends that are very nice but don't exactly look like Jessica Alba....but they still want Channing Tatum. An vice versa. People need to be realistic. I'm not going to get Channing, but I could get a really nice Matthew Grey :)

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but they still want Channing Tatum.


And am sure Tatum wants them too in return. The same goes for the Brad Pitt and George Clooney, other boy band members, bandwagoners

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Yes, the OKTrends data does support the 80/20 theory. Self assessment surveys just measure what people want to believe about themselves, or what they believes reflects better on them. The OKTrends data measures actual behavior, not self-assessment, and takes advantage of a huge data sample. Christian Rudder, the guy who does the data analysis graduated from Harvard with a degree in mathematics. I'd say it's a pretty credible source. It's also very much consistent with the way evolutionary psychologists believe human mating patterns were in the evolutionary environment, pre-monogamy.


What I think is interesting is how much it irritates some women, and how vehemently they try to discredit the people and statistics that indicate such behavior. Interestingly though, they aren't the least bit prone to change their behavior. Because it's biologically determined––hardwired as they say.


leavesonautumn, honestly– when was the last time an average or below average-looking guy made you wet?


Excerpt from the page we're talking about...


Hmmm, let me see. All three guys I've had sex with? To other people they were average, or in the case of my recent ex, below average but I was attracted to them and found them incredibly sexy. What are you ACTUALLY trying to prove? What I see is that women should be ashamed to be attracted to men they like.


I'm more attracted to Tom Hiddleston then Channing Tatum.


Like I said, OKCupid, yup totally valid. Where every single man messages 90% of the women. It's skewed.:rolleyes:

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I actually read that there was a survey taken and 80% of men are unattractive to women period. So that leaves the other 20% to capitalize on that.



Ridiculous....and Ill explain why...


Women are programmed from early on to be idealistic and dreamy about these things...So if you poll random women, they have a romance novel inspired idea of men...Like some hot guy with a hot body and a 10 inch dick, that loves little puppies and spends his free time helping the homeless is going to sweep some size 18 frump from her life of misery....Yeah...OK..:laugh:


There are no more attractive women than men..Id say by any measure its a draw...Men are just more realistic and pragmatic about it..These same women that answered these polls are likely quite happy with the men that are on their level....



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What are you ACTUALLY trying to prove? What I see is that women should be ashamed to be attracted to men they like.


I've nothing to prove, not dog in the fight. Just saying that I think there may be some validity to the 80/20 theory, and the okc thing supports it. The fact that you dislike being characterized a certain way (as member of the group) in no way has any bearing on the actuality, or the validity of the okc conclusions. I don't think their analysis is the final word, but neither do I dismiss it out of hand. The theory does not include negative judgement, but apparently you believe it does? It's just one of many interesting observations on human behavior that can neither be proven or disproven with any certainty.

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Men are just more realistic and pragmatic


We can pull the curtains now...the fat lady has sang.

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