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Good Detox Diet?

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Anyone know any good detoxes for jump starting a diet? Internal cleansing, etc..?? And how did they make you feel if you did one?

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how funny - I looked at that link and my everyday diet is a "detox" minus the fish since I am vegetarian. Also different is that I have coffee and chocolate since I cannot do without them...


I think the key to detox is to drink a lot of water and elminate junk food and have dairy in moderation/limited amounts - you don't have to cut it out completely... Coffee in the morning I think is ok and a little bit of chocolate here and there I don't think hurts but will even help your detox - it is rich in antioxidants and helps with bowel movement naturally, compared to taking laxatives that are SO harmful they should be banned.


You'll feel so energetic and healthy once you eat this way and will be glowing.

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