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OMG! I need a diet ASAP!

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Hi all,


I have been away this week. There was a death in the family and I didnt have any access to a computer. I really missed the LS though! In any event, I usually post in a few other places on this site but this week I had an awakening experience so I am now posting here.


My grandmother passed away and it may have been from the flu or from natural causes and I am still in disbelief. I know this is off topic of this board so far but here goes... I was looking at pictures that were put into a collage for my grandmothers viewing and I realized I have gained a lot of weight. I dont eat alot but I do not exercise at all. Part of the gain was from medicine that has slowed my metabolism down drastically. The other part of it is that I dont exercise at all and I go out drinking with my friends often which is empty calories that get stored as fats. In any event... Here I am.


Anyone have any successful weight loss stories? I checked out some other sites that are geared towards that sort of thing but I am going to do this on my own so I figured I would turn to my pals at the LS.


Any recommendations on diet/eating plans that have worked? A lot of people are very into low carb high protien and I know it works but I am for the most part a vegetarian. I eat fish and if I have to will eat chicken. Most people think vegetarians are skinny minnies but its easy to consume lots of junk food on a vegetarian diet since there isnt any meat in my bag of potato chips!


Anyway I am just really looking for some encouraging stories to help me get started.

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Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope you are feeling ok.


As for a diet - you should stop eating the potato chips and drink less otherwise it will be a struggle to lose any weight. As a vegetarian, you should stick to the vegetables to get started and cut out all junk food. Don't cut out carbohydrates - just eat it in moderation.


Start exercising with at least walking to get used to body movement then you can run and do other things. Once you lose weight and are fit from exercise, the potato chips and drinking won't make you fat but for now you have to cut them out.

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well try not to drink as much as you know those are empty calories

start working out and cut on the calorie intake set yourself on a 1200 calorie diet with all the right stuff, fruits, veggies, protein, fish etc.


i tried the south beach diet for a while i did the first phase for about 3 weeks and really shed some pounds......along with break up but that is another story.....

but mainly what is doing it for me is the working out but mainly i am trying to build muscle so am doing allot more weight lifting than anything else...



hope that helps and i am sorry to hear about your grandmother

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Sorry to hear about the grandmadukes. I just lost mine recently as well.


Now what I did was cut out soda. The bubbles and the sugar will kill you.


I take diet pills which work well..

WATER WATER WATER!!!!!!! IT makes you feel full so you don't eat as much.

You must do some sort of physical activity as well. Even if its crunches or a light walk. You have to get your body moving.

And of course, cut the junk

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I am totally not the poster child for health as the biggest exercise I get is from walking a mile in heels to and from my parking garage, and a little bit of yoga -- but I used to do yoga like 3 hours a day and had a MUCH better body, very flexible and muscular. I also did pilates a lot, this worked VERY well.


Stop drinking soda and cut back on the alcohol...empty calories, m'dear. Stop eating sweets and don't buy snackfood any more. I smoke weed so I can't have snacky poofs in my house or they will get devoured.


Keeping a food journal helps, but mine always deteriorate into actual journal journals, a la Bridgette Jones' Diary.

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This is a little off topic, but blind_otter - I have always been confused as to how Yoga makes you lose weight. It just looks like sitting down stretching, nothing cardiovascular or weight training like. Just curious as to what it actually does...

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By elongating the muscles, which is what yoga does, making you more flexible, it gives you better posture, making a person look thinner, and makes the muscles less bulky.

Anway, wicked sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope youre doing ok


Weight watchers is AWESOME! Its not a diet, its a change in lifestyle. And you can still eat whatever you want, just in moderation. So if yu want potato chips, you can sitll have them sometimes. And join a gym. I just did the other day, had my first trip yesterday, and it was AWESOME! I could only do about a hafl hour(very out of shape), but it builds up. Or do Curves for women. Theyre all over the US and overseas. Good luck!

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Originally posted by Fun2BMe

This is a little off topic, but blind_otter - I have always been confused as to how Yoga makes you lose weight. It just looks like sitting down stretching, nothing cardiovascular or weight training like. Just curious as to what it actually does...


With ashtanga or power yoga, and also Bikram - the goal is to generate heat in the body. You sweat copious amounts, rev up your metabolism, and burn calories in a big way. There are several "cleanses" recommended by the yogic lifestyle, and fried foods, spicy foods, and fatty foods are prohibited - as well as meat and eggs. Then there are asanas (poses) specifically geared towards strengthening the abdomen and specific muscle groups, and also fasting practices.

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Thanks all! BO - I have done Yoga in the past and love it. I just cant find a class near me. :( I should clarify something I may not have made that clear in my first post. I know I mentioned potato chips in my first post but I really dont eat junk food. I dont even really like potato chips but they were left over from a part I had at my house. In any event... I dont eat much at all. My friends have said that very thing to me but my metabolism is so screwed up from my medications and from my medical problems.


So really maybe I should rephrase this.... what can I do to jump start my metabolism a little bit and shed some of this weight?? Will yoga or pilates help my metabolism or should I do more cardio? I know part of it is eating better. I dont drink sugared soda. Once a day I have a diet coke and I have heard that even though its diet soda it still bad for you.

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Originally posted by RoxStar

So really maybe I should rephrase this.... what can I do to jump start my metabolism a little bit and shed some of this weight?? Will yoga or pilates help my metabolism or should I do more cardio? I know part of it is eating better. I dont drink sugared soda. Once a day I have a diet coke and I have heard that even though its diet soda it still bad for you.


1. Cardio in the morning.

2. Split up your meals. 6 meals of 200 calories each is better than 3 meals of 400 calories each.

3. Drink LOTS of water.

4. Then drink more water.

5. And even more water.


Diet coke may be bad for you as far as the asparthame in it, but one a day isn't going to make a difference. It has zero calories so drink up. If anything the caffeine and acid will benefit your weight loss goals.

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yea water is the key~ i have been drinking nothing but water for the past 3 weeks and feel a change. i want to look nice ina bikini and want a flat stomache. im almost there but ive noticed a change within a week and a half. and just limit what you eat. stop with the pizza (my fav), soda, bagels & cream cheese, and the fatty stuff. if you cant stop atleast limit yourself... its all about what you eat... and at nite i do like 100-200 crunches during commericals to my tv shows. lol it works

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i drink water non stop....on the weekends i might have something else but water is my main source of fluids and most mornings i eat nutri grain bars or eat like cheerios with fruit at lunch i usually stop at the nearest danish bakery and get a salad or a chicken salad sandwich on wheat bread and for dinner i make sure i get my veggieess!! (this goes along for the weekdays, weekends i tend to spoil myself)


along with that diet, drinking water water water and working out (walking, lifting weights/aerobics) it should help.....i've lost weight, not much because i didn't really need to loose weight but i do look healthier and trim. ;) hope this helps

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First of all...sorry to hear about your grandma it must be hard!!!


My major is in Nutrition and I've learned that your body needs protein, fats, sugars, and all the other stuff that people think they need to get rid off...What you need to concentrate on is the SATURATED FAT...control that intake and you'll see 'some' results....also eat WHATEVER you want just half of your normal servings...


If you had 2 scoops of ice-cream have 1...you get me?! Of course all of this would help but ultimately you need to work out!! The more you eat the faster your metabolism gets

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Never Say Never...


Tell me more...


How does eating speed up your metabolism? Anything special that works well in terms of that?


I know I need to exercise. That is my biggest problem...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an article I printed up from one of the diet sites I'm on....It will give you a clue to what we're talking about here.




What is metabolism?

If you can think of your body as a car for a moment, and your food as gasoline, then metabolism is the process of burning gasoline in order to hurl yourself along the freeway at 70 miles an hour. Metabolism describes the sum of all the chemical and physical changes that take place in your body to keep it growing and functioning. Even when you are at rest, your body still operates at 60-70% energy; kind of like a car idling. You need that much energy just to keep your heart beating, your temperature moderated, and your lungs filling and emptying, among other things.


The standard measurement for metabolism is the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). It describes the minimum amount of calories needed to sustain your body’s vital functions. BMR varies 25-30% among individuals and is influenced by factors such as age, gender, weight, height, and environmental temperature. However, when it comes to pressing your foot down and revving your metabolism up, it’s best not to get too confused by thoughts of BMR (or cars, for that matter); instead concentrate on these great tips for increasing metabolism simply and naturally.




Eight great ways to rev up your metabolism

1. Flex those biceps

Lean Body Mass (LBM) describes all of the essential tissues that make up your body, including muscles, bones, organs and essential fat. The more muscle you have in your LBM, the higher your metabolic rate, which means that you burn more calories. So to help rev up your metabolism, why not work on your muscle tone? You don’t have to become the next Muscle and Fitness cover-guy though - even slight improvements in muscle tone and build will improve your metabolism. Start easy with some simple weight lifting or strength training exercises and go from there. The key is to work your muscles regularly and to gradually increase intensity; don’t start with a forty minute mega-iron-pumping session! Yoga is also a great way to gently build muscle tone. Any physical activity will help condition your muscles, burn extra calories and use stored fat. Talk to a fitness expert for more advice.


2. Some like it hot

And even if you don’t, you might want to try a little spice for the sake of your metabolism. Cayenne pepper is thought to stimulate metabolism for at least ten minutes after you eat it and a couple of teaspoons of chili pepper or chili powder has a similar effect by raising your body temperature and helping you to burn calories faster. Even mustard has been shown to increase metabolism when added to a meal.


If you prefer less dramatic spices, why not try some ginger? You can add this root vegetable to stir-fries and other meals by grating or dicing it into the mix. Dried and ground ginger can also be added to meals and used in sweet foods, such as gingerbread. However, if you’re watching your weight, cakes and cookies (even ones with ginger in them) are best avoided. Boil the fresh root and turn it into a cup of tea instead!


3. Pick up the pace … then drop it

Exercise in general will improve metabolism, and muscle building is particularly good, but something you might not have considered is pace. Did you realize that interval training can help you to burn more calories than a regular moderately paced exercise, such as jogging? Many gyms have classes in circuit training or interval training, but you can also interval train on your own. Interval training is simply a short burst (up to three minutes) of accelerated exercise, such as a sprint, or a fast stair-climb, followed by a slower, easy pace of a similar exercise, followed again by the accelerated exercise, and then by a slow pace, and so on. The slow paced “interval” gives you time to recover and recoup energy which enables you to exert more energy in the fast interval (and overall) than you could if exercising at a consistent pace. Thus, your metabolism has even more chance to improve. If you are not exercising already, start slowly and build up the intensity and duration of your exercise sessions as you progress.


4. H2O to go

Most of the body's chemical reactions take place through the medium of water, so to keep things ticking you need to keep your water levels up. A recent study conducted by researchers in Berlin even suggests that water intake may actually increase metabolic rate. The metabolic rates of those involved in the study increased by 30% after drinking approximately 17 ounces of water. The research is preliminary, and further studies need to be conducted, but so far the results suggest that a daily increase of about 50 fl. oz could equate to an extra 50 calories burned each day.


5. Carb it up

Contrary to current popular belief, eating plenty of healthy high-carb foods such as wholegrains, fruits and vegetables actually increases your metabolism. Cutting out carbohydrates, on the other hand, is likely to make it more sluggish. Keep in mind that it’s also much easier to consume fat calories than carbohydrate calories. For example, you’re more likely to eat 2 Tbsp of cream cheese with your bagel than five small tomatoes, although both have around 100 calories.


6. Say "cheese" (and milk and yogurt)

It’s been known for a while that the calcium in dairy products helps with weight loss, but a recent study published in Obesity Research suggests that there’s more to it than just calcium. Participants in the study who were on a high-dairy diet lost 5-9 pounds more over a 24 week period than those on high-calcium/low-dairy or low-calcium/low-dairy diets. Calcium clearly contributes to fat loss, but there are other properties of dairy products, as yet unknown, that also affect metabolism. One theory is that the proteins in dairy products may help preserve muscle and thereby increase metabolism. So while counting calories is still the key to weight loss, 3-4 servings of dairy foods (preferably low-fat or non fat) a day may help you to boost your metabolism and burn calories faster.


7. Don’t skip or skimp

To keep your metabolism as healthy as possible, don’t skimp on nutrients – particularly protein. When you don’t eat enough protein, your body has to break down muscle to meet its protein needs; this slows your metabolism. However, the American Heart Association (AHA) and other expert studies show that the average American already eats double the amount of protein than is recommended, so don’t go overboard. Recommended daily protein intake is 20-30% of your overall calories; stick to it. It’s equally important to get a good balance of other nutrients. Skipping meals is also a no-no for a healthy metabolism. Your body needs consistent levels of fuel and nutrients to keep it going. That doesn’t mean you have to religiously eat three square meals a day, but don’t consume all your day’s calories in one sitting. Studies suggest this slows metabolism.


8. Something fishy

Not all fats are bad, indeed, some can help you to increase metabolism and lose weight. Omega-3 fats have been shown in several studies to help overweight people burn more calories. Fish is a great way to get a healthy dose of omega-3 fat. To boost metabolism, try eating fish at least twice a week. Grill or oven bake fish fillets as a main meal or toss some tuna or salmon into a salad for lunch. Fish oil and oyster sauce also make great flavor additions to curry and stir-fry dishes and are an easy way to improve your metabolism.





Start slow......journalling what you eat is a great way to begin to track how you've been eating and change one meal at a time. 5-6 mini meals a days (sounds like a lot.......) and get in that workout whichever way.


Hope this helps.

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try this,

you said you drink with your friends you eat junk food though veg,you eat fish and would eat chicken if needed.

first thing you do stop drinking that will break your extra calorie intake,you need mass and not fat

junk food a complete no no, try raw vegetables like carrots(vit A),tomatos(vit c),if you like spinach(iron).give a search for salads on google.

if you feel uneasy may be because you are not consuming alchol replace it with juices.spend money on a pair of track pants,sweat shirt,gym and a good bodybuilding supplement. try soya products full of protien,veg and easy to digest.

if you like and can digest have milk twice morning and evening.

your problem is wrong diet,and that can be rectified.






alone man walks faster

sucess is a inborn talent

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