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Racial Discrimination or Personal Preference?

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So if I don't want to date men does that mean I discriminate against men?



(I don't know why I'm posting this since you avoided the question the first time around and seem to only selectively answer those questions that don't totally destroy your argument.)

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Once again....let's stick to the topic, there is another thread about personal preferences of all types (which I started due to continual attempts to derail THIS thread). This thread is about racial discrimination and why people won't call it for what it is and try to excuse it under the umbrella of "personal preference". I would have more respect for someone who had the balls to admit that they have some racial hangups and negative stereotypes of people of other races but they are attempting to learn grow and move beyond them. Will anyone on here take the plunge?

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Originally posted by Topaze

No one has said that people should not date women who are not Black. Quite the opposite...I am suggesting that race should not be a consideration PERIOD when deciding who to date.


Proto, you are fortunate that you found tons and tons of women willing to date Black men on the dating site. I hope that your memory is not so short as to realize that even 10 - 15 years ago, there were relatively few White women willing to date Black men. You don't have to go all that far back to a time when Black men in the US were lynched for showing an interest in White women. In fact, in some US jurisdictions the anti-miscegenation laws were on the books until the 1970s.


When you suddenly have tons of options, it is easy to forget the history of your people and to overlook any rejection that you do face. When you go on dating site after dating site and see that very few men select Black or Africa American women as one of their choices, it's not as simple as to overlook these men and move on to the rest. This site is a prime example. Over the course of 2 thread most men have said that they don't find Black women attractive and would not date a Black woman.


I am disappointed that you, as a Black man, have so little empathy for what Black women are going through and I hope, for their sake, that you don't end up having any daughters.



1.) 10-15 years ago, what??? Do you have some sort of statistic that says that "relatively few white women were willing to date black men? Because in the hood I grew up in interracial dating was all over the place. My friends who I grew up with now have wives who are NOT races of their own.


2.) Um, DUH. I do know of a time where people in general were killed for even showing interest in a race other than their own. Only problem is, that wasn't 10-15 years ago!!! You keep babbling on about staying on topic and blah blah blah and yet here you are, going way off topic.


3.) So, dating a white woman makes me "forget the history of my people.." but dating white, or any other type of man, doesn't? You make no sense whatsoever and your arguments are played. And don't play the role of poor little victim when there are a lot of women out there who wouldn't date a black man either. The difference between me and you is...I don't have time for nonsense like that to affect me when there are THOUSANDS of women out there who do like black men (like my hot ass gf), whereas your skin is far too thin to accept the fact that people have their own preferences and move on to find men that are looking for your features and characteristics.


4.) You don't know anything about me, you don't know anything about my family, and you don't know anything about my relationship with my girl.

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Originally posted by tanbark813

What about latinas? Don't leave them out, they're sexy. :D


"Ay papi!!"



Latins fall under Spain which is a European country. So latins are caucasian too by definition.



Ole' :)

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Exactly. Unless the are of African descent and some Latinos and Latinas are. A few are also of Asian descent.

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Originally posted by Bronzepen

Latins fall under Spain which is a European country. So latins are caucasian too by definition.



Ole' :)

asian-indians are also technically considered caucasoid.

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Originally posted by HokeyReligions

You missed one Mr Spock -- not all African's are Black! I sit next to an African American (someone who was born and raised in Africa and moved to the US and is now a citizen) and she is as white as I am. There is quite a large contingent of White people in Africa!


LOL! :p



Hey, my mother was born in Philly and my father was born in Lagos, Nigeria. I'm an African American too. Not trying to pick a fight or anything, just letting you know that there can be another definition of the term too.

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Originally posted by Topaze

"But if someone doesn't want to date me because I'm white and they don't find white skin appealing - it does NOT make them a racist!"


Oh yes it does. That is PRECISELY what racial discrimination is all about treating people differently and unfavourable strictly because of their race. It is sad that in 2005 people STILL don't get that. It is even sadder that so many of the people on this board are young and don't get it.



If what YOU say (and only what YOU say because we ALL disgree with you), is true, then so be it - we are ALL racists here, except for you. Topaze, you are the only person on the planet who is not racist.

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Originally posted by Topaze

Once again....let's stick to the topic, there is another thread about personal preferences of all types (which I started due to continual attempts to derail THIS thread). This thread is about racial discrimination and why people won't call it for what it is and try to excuse it under the umbrella of "personal preference". I would have more respect for someone who had the balls to admit that they have some racial hangups and negative stereotypes of people of other races but they are attempting to learn grow and move beyond them. Will anyone on here take the plunge?



Actually this is the issue right here.


YOUR belief is that if someone doesn't date a person because of their race then that person is a racist.


Others on this thread have disagreed on your belief and have tried to explain to you how they view it as a preference.


But you only see it as racial discrimination and while you can say and believe that, it is not a fact but a simple view.


Same can be said of the people who view it as a preference. It's not fact it's just their view.


While in your eyes, it's plain and simple as light of day that it is racial discrimination, other may not see it that way.


Doesn't make you right or wrong. You just have a diffrent point of view.


What's obvious to others may not be obvious to you and what's obvious to you may not be obvious to others.

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Originally posted by Topaze

I would have more respect for someone who had the balls to admit that they have some racial hangups and negative stereotypes of people of other races but they are attempting to learn grow and move beyond them. Will anyone on here take the plunge?


I already did. And your response was to tell me how sad that was. I have no problem stating that I have prejudices with different races when discussing the possibility of a relationship. I don't think I have to validate or defend my position regarding the people I date. How I conduct myself privately in my own life is none of your business and you're in no place to question me or anyone else.


I support that everyone is afforded the same rights within a society regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and any physical difference possible. However, ensuring your right to life and the pursuit of happiness should not infringe upon my right to life and the pursuit to happiness. My happiness states that I don't engage in a relationship with someone that is <insert race>. Why that's any of your concern is beyond me.

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Originally posted by Topaze

Mr.Spock let's not get bogged down. The term Caucasian is generally used to refer to people of European origin. Yes we know the origin of the term. The words Oriental and Negroid ARE considered to be offensive by many so they have been replaced by the terms Asian and Black or of African descent.


If people have interest in getting into a discussion of what is race and how does one define race that is an interesting and valuable discussion. There are VOLUMES that have been written about how one defines race. This thread is not intended to be an indepth discussion of race and its definition.I gave a simple basic answer to a simple question. Let's just leave it at that.


I do not want to keep seeing this thread continually derailed and going off on tangents. For anyone who wants to have an indepth discusison about race and how one defines it, please start another thread or if there is another post about it. I will start another thread and you can take your discussion over there.


Thank you.







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Originally posted by Topaze

Oh yes it does. That is PRECISELY what racial discrimination is all about treating people differently and unfavourable strictly because of their race. It is sad that in 2005 people STILL don't get that. It is even sadder that so many of the people on this board are young and don't get it.


Good Grief! How is not wanting to date me because I'm white treating me differently or unfavorably? I'm not being denied a job because I'm white. I'm not being told I can't join a club because I'm white. Maybe everyone should have to register to date, and prove that they meet a quota of races in each quarter?


If you have been denied a job, or the right to apply for a job, because you are Black, that is racial discrimination. If you have been denied medical care, or club membership because you are Black, that is racial discrimination. If a tennis pro doesn't want to give you tennis lessons because he thinks that Black women can't play tennis, that is racial discrimination. But if someone does not find black skin appealing and doesn't want to date you because you are Black -- That is their preference.


Have you ever heard talk about people with discriminating tastes? In context it usually means they they PREFER certain things--brands of champagne, specific chocolates, high-end cat food or something. It's not used as a negative, but I guess it could be twisted around that way. They discriminate FOR something, whereas many people think that discrimination is only AGAINST something--- or someone.

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YOUR belief is that if someone doesn't date a person because of their race then that person is a racist.


No it's not my belief it's at the core of the definition of racial discrimination treating people differently and excluding them based on race....PERIOD!!


One more time...are we allowed to post links on here and quotes from other sites with links as there are MANY articles that will prove that this is not just MY definition and I would love to share them.

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And if it was racial discrimination, what will you do, sue them???? Obviously if this was one of those cases of true racism as the one Pocky, Hokey and I mentioned before then it would be illegal, but it is not, because it's just a personal preference.

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Originally posted by Topaze

No it's not my belief it's at the core of the definition of racial discrimination treating people differently and excluding them based on race....PERIOD!!


One more time...are we allowed to post links on here and quotes from other sites with links as there are MANY articles that will prove that this is not just MY definition and I would love to share them.


Like, it's totally cool that it's your opinion....and your definition or whatever....but you can't change how other people act or react, and getting all upset about something you can't control has GOT to be bad for your bloodpressure.

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Who is upset? Re-read the posts. It's not ME that's getting upset. As stated before, it's not MY definition..that IS what racial discrimination is all about and we need to call if for what it is and stop making excuses for it.

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Originally posted by Topaze

Who is upset? Re-read the posts. It's not ME that's getting upset. As stated before, it's not MY definition..that IS what racial discrimination is all about and we need to call if for what it is and stop making excuses for it.


So then what do you propose is the solution?


Racism is something that is taking a long time to alter and change, because discrimination is genetic. Ancient homo sapien had to be able to judge quickly whether someone/something was a threat or not -- that is the ancient basis for quickly determining a certain subset of characteristics for an individual or for a group.


In all honesty though I still don't get the whole "you shouldn't judge people based on physical characteristics"....I have broken up with guys who were racist before, cracks me up because I'm of mixed race, but apparently "white enough" to be appealing even to crazy southern racist boys. But I digress....it's a shame that racism exists. My Mom and I once had a jar of piss tossed at us from a pickup truck.


But my Mom, as usual, dealt with it gracefully and laughed it off. Racism will exist for a long time to come, and the only thing you can change is how you deal with it. Not any one else.

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I was reading the posts from long time but I couldn't control myself and I am posting.Pls dont jump on me cause I dont feel like posting more today.


Discrimination can be defined when a particular individual, section , race , creed is denied a right.


Now if someone is not dating let's say a black person does not mean that the person is dating to all non-black person.


Dating is the case of preference not of discrimination.There might be reasons for preference but it can't be categorised as racism.

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Snore..........what do you propose to do then? Amend the laws so it is illegal to turn down somone for a date if you aren't attracted to them?

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So then what do you propose is the solution?

Education, discussion like this one and a DRASTIC change in media images of Black women and Asian men. It will take time.
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Originally posted by Topaze

Education, discussion like this one and a DRASTIC change in media images of Black women and Asian men. It will take time.


Education meaning?

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Originally posted by Topaze

If I have to define eduation then we're really in trouble. :rolleyes:


For f*ck's sake, woman, do you mean social education, education in general? Cultural exposure? More extensive education in mathematics?


Goddamn, if I have to define this sh*t to you it's obvious why you don't get it. AUGH. :mad:

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Originally posted by greenhorn

I was reading the posts from long time but I couldn't control myself and I am posting.Pls dont jump on me cause I dont feel like posting more today.


Discrimination can be defined when a particular individual, section , race , creed is denied a right.


Now if someone is not dating let's say a black person does not mean that the person is dating to all non-black person.


Dating is the case of preference not of discrimination.There might be reasons for preference but it can't be categorised as racism.


The concept of right comes only into INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM. We are talking about racial discrimination and racial prejudice on a PERSONAL level.

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