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I've been international LDR with someone and I'm also too realistic person on that because I know somedays he'll have other girl out there . BUT the big promblem is he didn't tell me about his gf and I found it by myself because some of people who i don't know told me , " all of these people know that other girl is real his gf". I didn't tell him about that because I want him to tell me for that.However,he told me ," I want to have your pic and I love to visit you seriously someday "


My question is why the hell he needs to have my pic for his own? since he's cheater

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2) I don't know whether I give him a pic or not because I was promised him for that.


I've been international LDR with someone and I'm also too realistic person on that because I know somedays he'll have other girl out there . BUT the big promblem is he didn't tell me about his gf and I found it by myself because some of people who i don't know told me , " all of these people know that other girl is real his gf". I didn't tell him about that because I want him to tell me for that.However,he told me ," I want to have your pic and I love to visit you seriously someday " My question is why the hell he needs to have my pic for his own? since he's cheater
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Well if the guy has a girlfriend, if you've been told this, it's probably true. The truth usually comes out.


Have you ever met him in person?? I'm assuming you haven't, or else he probably wouldn't be asking for your picture. If that's the case, and you haven't met him in person, then I don't think you really have a REAL relationship, right?


Long distance relationships are very tough. It takes 2 completely HONEST, COMMITTED, FAITHFUL people to make it work. If you're hearing that he has a girlfriend, that's not good. You need to be able to trust him completely.


Nevermind waiting for him to tell you that he has a girlfriend.....why do you need to hear that? He'll likely just deny it anyway.


How did you meet him, through the Internet?



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Yeah, I know him from ICQ and before he had supposed to find me in US , I was rejected because of his jobs and my jobs. However, I was changed my mind for that and he told me, " but i'm not sure that I've my own holiday because sometimes he have to work on holiday"


I said, " never mind what i said"


He said," nono I love to meet you seriously"


Anyway, Can you tell me how long the truth will come out??


2) Actually,waiting for him to tell about that. 'cause once upon a time, When I asked him, " have you felt with someone out here ", he told methat he had been feeling with a few,but it already was gone.


So rightnow, I want to hear for that,but I won't ask him as i did before.




Well if the guy has a girlfriend, if you've been told this, it's probably true. The truth usually comes out. Have you ever met him in person?? I'm assuming you haven't, or else he probably wouldn't be asking for your picture. If that's the case, and you haven't met him in person, then I don't think you really have a REAL relationship, right? Long distance relationships are very tough. It takes 2 completely HONEST, COMMITTED, FAITHFUL people to make it work. If you're hearing that he has a girlfriend, that's not good. You need to be able to trust him completely. Nevermind waiting for him to tell you that he has a girlfriend.....why do you need to hear that? He'll likely just deny it anyway. How did you meet him, through the Internet?



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Actually he wants my pic and has been waiting my pic for long long time ( as 2 years),but I was hesitated it


3) I don't mean to judge him about that by people since I saw the pic in which is very close between them while riding a bike together .Thus, I felf something,but I'm not sure whether it's wrong or right since sometimes my feeling is truth and wrong--) that's why I always am using my brain.


I have lots of questions is:


1) For long time, he asked me , " what will you feel if you know I'm married?"


I said," I will be sad, but i also know my future relationship ( you read) will be truth"


---) why does he ask me something like that??


2) In case he's gf out here, why does he want my pic??


3) Do you think how long the truth will come out??


------------------------------------------------------ Yeah, I know him from ICQ and before he had supposed to find me in US , I was rejected because of his jobs and my jobs. However, I was changed my mind for that and he told me, " but i'm not sure that I've my own holiday because sometimes he have to work on holiday" I said, " never mind what i said"


He said," nono I love to meet you seriously"


Anyway, Can you tell me how long the truth will come out?? 2) Actually,waiting for him to tell about that. 'cause once upon a time, When I asked him, " have you felt with someone out here ", he told methat he had been feeling with a few,but it already was gone. So rightnow, I want to hear for that,but I won't ask him as i did before. ---------------------------------------------------------


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hi bibi,


my gut tells me this guy is nothing more than a player. i bet he has come across so charming and sweet, and that is why you seem to have fallen for him so hard.


meeting people over the net can be very risky. you don't even know if you're facing the real deal. and if he is married (which wouldn't surprise me because he asked you how you would feel if he was), then meeting someone through icq would just be the perfect way to have a bit of spice on the side. while there are genuine people who meet others on the net, i don't think this guy is genuine in his motives at all.


bibi, if it were me in this situation, i would believe what i have heard. he's not an honest man at all, and i feel he is playing games with your feelings here. you're too sweet for that. don't let him suck you in any further. you don't want a future relationship with this man. he sounds very strange indeed.


i'm sure you could find somebody who will be honest with you and treat you as you deserve - someone who you can meet in person first and establish a relationship with in person instead of over the net.


if it were me, i'd tell him to get on his bike and get out of my life. i'd delete him from my icq list, and meet other people who won't mess around with my feelings.

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Hi Bibi,


You are not in any LDR with this guy. This isn't even considered a relationship. I wouldn't even call it a friendship either.


This guy has got you tied around your finger and is jerking you around. Why? Because you're letting him. What are you getting out of him? Love, trust, commitment, sincerity, honesty, communication, etc etc......relationships involve that type of stuff.


He's not providing you with anything. If I were you, I'd end all contact with him...no more chatting online, no ICQ, email, chat rooms, no phone calls, no letters.


This guy is just pulling you along because he knows he can becauser you're letting him do so. He's not worth any more of your time or effort.


He's got a girlfriend/wife who he has no intentions of leaving. He has no intentions of being with you or even coming to visit. He says those things to keep you happy.


And he knows it doesn't take too much to do that.

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This guy sounds like someone you'd meet on the internet and have a INTERNET relationship with, not LDR, because you've never even met him, and he doesn't even know what you look like. It's really pointless to have this type of relationship since he's obviously playing you for something (not even sex, which is expected, but...), mostly likely your feelings, he is probably one of those guys that spends some time online to find girls to talk to, and most likely he is LYING!, so get him out of your life, and move on to a real LIFE relationship, if that is what you desire.


Final comment: stop communicating with this guy and move on.

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hi bibi, my gut tells me this guy is nothing more than a player. i bet he has come across so charming and sweet, and that is why you seem to have fallen for him so hard. meeting people over the net can be very risky. you don't even know if you're facing the real deal. and if he is married (which wouldn't surprise me because he asked you how you would feel if he was), then meeting someone through icq would just be the perfect way to have a bit of spice on the side. while there are genuine people who meet others on the net, i don't think this guy is genuine in his motives at all. bibi, if it were me in this situation, i would believe what i have heard. he's not an honest man at all, and i feel he is playing games with your feelings here. you're too sweet for that. don't let him suck you in any further. you don't want a future relationship with this man. he sounds very strange indeed. i'm sure you could find somebody who will be honest with you and treat you as you deserve - someone who you can meet in person first and establish a relationship with in person instead of over the net. if it were me, i'd tell him to get on his bike and get out of my life. i'd delete him from my icq list, and meet other people who won't mess around with my feelings.
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Firstly, I just want to say that I won't have any hope with him on the future include friendship because he's lie and such a child (.'cause he left me dangling with your talk of honor)


Secondly, I have something curiously for me.here it is:


Before he has been relationship with other girl, I told him that he would be fair with everygirl, but he said that he could think for that and I wouldn't push him for that.


A few days later, I sent to him " my 2 cents " letter and I said , 'you should go date with other girl out here because other girl who yearned to romantic your ,but she never got chance for that"


I don't know whether he took my ideas applied them in ways or not.. But I just want to know he had this plan before i talked or not??


can you analyze this for me,please???



hi bibi, my gut tells me this guy is nothing more than a player. i bet he has come across so charming and sweet, and that is why you seem to have fallen for him so hard. meeting people over the net can be very risky. you don't even know if you're facing the real deal. and if he is married (which wouldn't surprise me because he asked you how you would feel if he was), then meeting someone through icq would just be the perfect way to have a bit of spice on the side. while there are genuine people who meet others on the net, i don't think this guy is genuine in his motives at all. bibi, if it were me in this situation, i would believe what i have heard. he's not an honest man at all, and i feel he is playing games with your feelings here. you're too sweet for that. don't let him suck you in any further. you don't want a future relationship with this man. he sounds very strange indeed. i'm sure you could find somebody who will be honest with you and treat you as you deserve - someone who you can meet in person first and establish a relationship with in person instead of over the net. if it were me, i'd tell him to get on his bike and get out of my life. i'd delete him from my icq list, and meet other people who won't mess around with my feelings.
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