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There is this guy at office ..he is in a different group than me but we site in the same area ..I had noticed him quite a few times over the past 3-4 months then I was off on a project in another office for about 3 months ...when I returned he came up to me and asked me for a document that I had ..that was a perfectly legitimate request ..the next day he came and gave me an update of what he did with the document ..that made me up my ante.. I kind of felt that he had a crush on me ( right/wrong/presumptuous? ) ..the next time I bumped into him at the printer I totally ignored him as I thought he had a crush on me and he was much junior to me ...there after I totally did not acknowledge him but was very aware of him and I could feel him watching me all the time ..once I caught him staring worridly when I was talking to two of my male colleagues..maybe I was a little too jovial (flirtish?)...I also developed an infatuation on him, but never even looked at him , but he seemed to be totally clued on ...I had a secret crush ...I could feel him looking at me all the time when i was not looking...this went on for 2 -3 months ..I was also watching him and became more inclined to liking him ..then I looked at him a few times quite involuntarily and he saw that ..thereafter he would stare at me directly if I talked to a guy ...I was a little confused about getting into such a secretive thing without even talking to him even once..I would love to talk to him, if only he would tal kt o me ...can anyone tell me what is happenng here ? why wont he talk to me? is it becuase I blocked it the first few times? but I am sure he knows that I like him now ? last week, I gave him a noce smile for the first time in 3 months :-) and he was quite shy ..and then when I was talking to a couple of guys, he walked by and I could see his face fall ! thereafter he has been ignoring me ..ia thisa all my imagination ? Now I am again going away for 4-5 months .. this certainly is an infatuation, but I wasnted to get to know the person ..

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How old are you? You seem to be behaving like a schoolgirl in ignoring the poor fellow because you assumed he had a crush on you. Then you were positive he was looking at you even though you didn't look at him to see if he was. This is all pretty silly. Go away for all that time and try to interact with people normally. Maybe when you come back, if you smile at him and speak to him as though he's a regular human, he might respond. However it's likely that your ignoring him for so long gave him the impression you can't stand him.

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