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Who does he like???

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I'm sorry in advance for such an awful long novel, but please I still need help...


We were in the same city, in a same group on Internet. First of all, let me say that before I knew him, some hardcore stalkers in said group had found out almost all of the information we could possibly know by stalking him online. Thus, I already knew that he kind of had an unclear relationship with this girl he met in 2013, who's a few years older than him. Let's call them by their first name initial, T for the girl and K for the guy. He was kind of her stalker. He told the group that his "girlfriend" was supposed to be T.


At the beginning of 2014, K asked for help in his assignments, I volunteered. We met and studied for a couple hours, and he told me a lot of his life story. At times, I noticed he was kind of staring at me (from top to bottom). Then, we went to walk around, sort of hanging out.

After that day, we gradually became friends (please note that we have the same age), with me going to his place often, as we lived close to each other. I started to like him, but I thought I stood little chance. I would help him with the important exams we both had to take, he would tell me how stupid he is, how school is b*******. He would procrastinate and become distracted.

At times, he would ask me weird questions such as, "has any guy gone to your house before?" Then again, I'd see that as normal since he was the kind of guy who likes to follow people (literally).


I thought I'd stop seeing him after exams were over, but without me even asking, he told me I could still visit him during summertime if I wanted. At that time, I already started liking him so I was really happy inside.

That's how I still visited him a few times, hanging out with him. Sometimes, he wasn't home because he left to hang out with some friends.

We would walk around a lot, although he hated summer heat. Sometimes, when we had nothing to do, we would stay at his place and play games he had.


My visits became more frequent after summer. At times I would try to help or motivate him to do his assignments but I couldn't help much... He seemed to be easily distracted but then he was motivated enough to take the most difficult courses of his school. Plus, he doesn't seem as dumb as he says he is, as I could see that he had a good memory. Also, he was the smartest of his class.

You can now also probably see that I was a horrible peer tutor, so I would assume I was more than that. But then, we would often refer each other as tutor/student, at times as friends. At times I would downright refuse to tell my friends who he is, the opposite happens too. His family refers me as his "sister", "friend", his siblings would tease him "K, your girlfriend is here" when I come.


We would get touchy-feely, but not much. One day, as it started getting cold in our city, he was walking me home as usual. It was around evening. As we were going to say goodbye, he proposed to warm up my hands, but mine were in my pockets so they weren't so cold, yet I still accepted because I didn't know what to do. It turns out that his hands were colder, and I ended up proposing to warm them. It was awkward.


At this point, I thought I had a chance, but recently, on his graduation picture day, I went to his house, only to find out that two of his friends, all girls, including T (the other girl, let's call her H, being the one everyone at their school officially sees with K), came to visit him. They applied makeup to his face. He wanted me to help him write a text for his yearbook quote, because the two others couldn't be serious and they were all bad at writing texts. After I did that, it was really awkward, as he was trying to find things in the house mess, and the two other friends were fooling around. We eventually all left his house to go take his picture then went shopping, with me wondering what I was doing there.


T is a shop-a-holic, and K, who usually is a physically reserved guy, frequently grabs her by her shoulders to orient her towards the exit because he can't stand seeing her shopping. Contrary to me usually being synchronized with K in terms of ideas (we agree a lot), T and K disagreed a lot, namely on where to go, they seemed to have a lot of inside jokes, K frequently used T's name (he almost never uses mine) and patted T's head but calls T a pedophile... Yet, at a restaurant, they went to get a drink for T and she gave her phone to me while I'm waiting, upon K's request. I happened to see in her texts that she had a boyfriend who's not K, but she texted K a lot. Also, K sometimes asked T about her boyfriend, and told me that T and H were two "crazy friends" of his.

At the end of the day, he told T that he wouldn't walk her home because he had to go to my place (which was a lie). She subsequently said something similar to either "aww" or "oh". He walked me home, but I think he chose me because I lived nearer. I could feel that it was different when he talked to me.


I mean, I know for sure that they aren't dating now, but I have a feeling he likes her, though I'm unsure. I feel like I have no right to be jealous since he knew her for longer, but I felt awkward and horrible that day.

I don't know anymore. He implied once on Internet that he liked someone, but never explicitly asked anyone out. At times he would mention T, but would say she's a friend.

Does he like her? Do I stand a chance despite being a late-comer? I really like him... :( And I don't think asking him would help, as he usually answers questions in a really weird manner without actually answering the question.

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I think you have a chance, but it is unusual if he brought two of the women he is interested in together. That would indicate one wasn't romantic, maybe. I don't think you want to go asking a lot of questions. Just let it develop and see where he goes with it next. He might like someone else-- don't most people have their eye on someone? But it might not mean he can't like another person.

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A guy doesn't go out of his way to ask a girl to warm her hands unless he likes her. It was just a way to make contact with you. The reason why nothing has progressed is because you are not showing him any real signals so he is confused. He invited you over to his place to see what his friends thought of you. Flirt with the damn guy for f sakes, dress sexy when you know you are going to be around him, touch his arm, look into his eyes, smile a lot....that's how it's done sister.

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Don't go through other people's phones without their permission!


And if you like him, make a move. You'll soon have your answer.


Either way, I feel that this situation isn't exactly healthy for you. Other girls buzzing around, with you totally overthinking things.


Sort it out one way or another - you have feelings, and can't just be friends with this guy without getting hurt sooner or later. Get with him or detach.

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