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Why is dating so much harder than what it used to be?


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I've had friends and co-workers who are married who say they would never date again if they had to get a divorce right now.


You used to be able to tell someone you liked them with out it freaking the individual out.


I feel like dates now go as someone asks one person out. They go on a few dates no one really knows the title of it. Then you continue on doing that over and over until someone you like stays with you.


If they work with you, you have an even harder chance of going out with them. They think of everything that could go wrong during break up (if there is one).


Why do people not simply have the balls to tell someone they like someone?

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The concept of dating has changed but I think that's because people's idea of how dating should be has changed…drastically. I have no idea where or when people went wrong but I think it really is based on the individual and their outlook. There are so many factors, I don't even know where to begin. SMH

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A lot of people have a tendency to make extremely simple things be incredibly complex. Life can be as simple or complicated as you want it to be. One mistake some perhaps do, is think that simple means there's no excitement, or depth, really it's anyone's guesswork.


I'm incredibly straightforward and simple, and i prefer the same company, there's really nothing attractive about things being chaotic, dramatic or overly complicated for no reason.


You're right, a lot of people could really use growing some balls, perhaps more so in certain regions of the world than others, I mean we are adults after all right?

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People are more comfortable(especially women) being single than ever before. So the average person has to bring much more to the table to date than the past

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Yeah I told the guy from work lets get lunch or it'd be fun to hang out out side of work. We get along really really. I know he got out of a relationship a couple months ago (I think they dated for 2 years). I essentially told the guy straight up that I liked him. If he doesn't respond I know his answer (either not ready and what not). Also, we work same shift at hospital and what not. So I 'm sure he's analyzing everything that could go wrong. But as friends said, it could be fun. The area we work is really stressful. I've lost about 20 lbs since I've last seen him so he's been interested in seeing me. I don't know if he thinks I'm out of his league now that I've lost weight. We flirted hard core before I left in August for school classes. Him and his then gf were kinda rocky. I essentially left him alone after that point. I texted him about a month ago I was still working there just over break due to classes and health issues. He always compliments on how good I look but doesn't exactly have the balls per say to ask me out.

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I blame it on technology and online dating and dating tv shows. Dating has become commercial. It's no longer personal. That's why dating is more difficult than what it used to be, which was face to face meeting each other first and then get to know each other. Dating was so much easier in person instead of going on shows like Love Connection and The Dating Game. Now they have shows like Dating Naked. Yikes.

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I've had friends and co-workers who are married who say they would never date again if they had to get a divorce right now.


Right, I know a woman in her 40s, my generation, had been married to the same man since she was in her early 20s. She has a lot of SINGLE friends and the horror stories she hears from them and the "dating game" makes her feel so blessed she isn't in the single category.


Surprisingly after 20 years of marriage, they are doing well for a married couple for that long of a time. Of course, she's still hot after 20 years of marriage, and that's something you don't see that long lasting. :laugh:

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Some men think the purpose of a date is to impress the woman and try to get laid.

The purpose of a date is to have fun with another person.

Guys: just a footnote-bragging is an INCREDIBLE turn off for a woman. It's basically saying I'M INSECURE AS HELL.

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Some men think the purpose of a date is to impress the woman and try to get laid.

The purpose of a date is to have fun with another person.

Guys: just a footnote-bragging is an INCREDIBLE turn off for a woman. It's basically saying I'M INSECURE AS HELL.



Spoken like another dude who isn't an astronaut quarterback billionaire


Get some game, bro

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There isn't enough time in all of eternity for me to explain even an infinitesimal amount of my greatness


Warehouse supervisor let me use the forklift for 2 hours last night. Pretty soon I'll be running the joint.


Mad game on this bench

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I think dating is harder than it used to be due to an overwhelming amount of people who have this over inflated sense of entitlement.


I see it in the profiles daily, they sound like demanding clouts and they always seem to have an axe to grind with the attitudes portrayed in their dating write-ups.


It's sickening as I am thinking how could this person, EVEN if they DID find a "match" could actually have a successful relationship that's so one-sided?


People also wanting their cake and eat it, too.


Some of this occurs after some previous relationship where they had gone from one extreme to the next when it came to sacrificing their time for their mate, now when they date again, they will hardly ever do any sacrificing for future mates.


There's a "either its my way or the highway if you want to date me!" mentality.

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