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18 Ugly Truths about Modern Dating

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Funny, this was inspired by the "Why is it so hard to date these day" when a FB friend posted this article online


18 Ugly Truths About Modern Dating That You Have To Deal With | Thought Catalog


#5 is has been a major pet peeve of mine with not only prospective dates, but just with friends overall.


Set plans are dead. People have options and up-to-the-minute updates on their friends (or other potential romantic interests) whereabouts thanks to texts & social media.


If you aren’t the top priority, your invitation to spend time will be given a “Maybe” or “I’ll let you know” and the deciding factor(s) will be if that person has offers more fun/interesting than you on the table.



I could you could say #5 is all of it in a nutshells, because it's certainly been feeling like it lately. It's like people hold their plans "in que" or they are waiting or holding out for something better before actually committing to anything.

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If you aren’t the top priority, your invitation to spend time will be given a “Maybe” or “I’ll let you know” and the deciding factor(s) will be if that person has offers more fun/interesting than you on the table.


Simple response. You tell the person you don't accept "maybe" or "I'll let you know". It's either a "yes" or "no". Sure you may come off as forceful, maybe even an a*shole, but you'll be a direct and self-respecting a*shole. That makes many women attracted to you.



7. The only difference between your actions being romantic and creepy is how attractive the other person finds you. That’s it, that’s all.


This sums up dating in general for everyone. It's pithy but true.

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4. Making phone calls is a dying art. Chances are, most of your relationship’s communication will happen via text, which is the most detached, impersonal form of interaction. Get familiar with those emoticon options.


^So true. I really don't like getting to know men via text or via email. Both are very impersonal. I miss the days of the LAN line phone, when conversations meant something. I hate texting more than I hate math. And I REALLY hate math.


5. Set plans are dead. People have options and up-to-the-minute updates on their friends (or other potential romantic interests) whereabouts thanks to texts & social media. If you aren’t the top priority, your invitation to spend time will be given a “Maybe” or “I’ll let you know” and the deciding factor(s) will be if that person has offers more fun/interesting than you on the table.


^This is also true, especially with OLD guys. I won't accept "maybe" anymore. Seriously are men that stupid that they think breadcrumbs like "I'll let you know" and "let's talk about it tomorrow," are acceptable date plans? :mad: You either ask me out or delete my phone number. Plain and simple.


10. The text message you sent went through. If they didn’t respond, it wasn’t because of malfunctioning phone carrier services.


^Exactly. If you text him and he doesn't respond, he's not interested. There's no other reason.


16. When dating, instead of expressing how they feel directly to you, a person is more likely to post a Facebook status or Instagram a Tumblr-esque photo of a sunset with a quote or song lyric of someone else’s words on it, and while it may not mention your name, it’s blatantly directed at you.


^This is annoying. I miss old fashioned, hand-written love notes with my name on them.


Technology has ruined romance and dating. Or changed it so severely that personal connections don't happen anymore, because people use social media platforms instead of in-person situations like the dating days of yore. I don't want to invest my time emailing back and forth with a guy who I may never meet in person, who could easily lie to me about his entire personal identity. I don't view that as a safe investment of my time. It's also why I dislike online dating so much, especially after my most recent debacle with a guy I thought was finally the real deal, but his actions proved otherwise.

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4. Making phone calls is a dying art. Chances are, most of your relationship’s communication will happen via text, which is the most detached, impersonal form of interaction. Get familiar with those emoticon options.



This is actually a relief for me. I HATE talking on the phone. It's almost like a phobia. I can't speak correctly, I say Uh a lot, and for some reason I end up walking in circles around my house. I don't believe cellphones will give you cancer but I feel like they mess with my brain waves.

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Simple response. You tell the person you don't accept "maybe" or "I'll let you know". It's either a "yes" or "no". Sure you may come off as forceful, maybe even an a*shole, but you'll be a direct and self-respecting a*shole. That makes many women attracted to you.





This sums up dating in general for everyone. It's pithy but true.


Nothing is less creepy than having a few million in the bank.

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Great list. Agreed with most of it.

Also another reason why I'm disliking and using FaceBook less and less. Too many people can make snap judgments based off one's page. Plus I never feel you can get a true sense of someone just by viewing their FB profile. People obviously accentuate the good, posting only the best pictures and depicting themselves in the best light possible.


I miss the old fashioned days of getting to know someone through letters or gasp, in person contact.


Now people are swiping away on smart phones and honestly, sometimes I feel like the "last dinosaur" of my generation. I still don't have a smart phone, and my technology know-how is probably stuck in 2004.

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Can't count how many men over my career who have had women call the police station to file an harassment charge. Always has been that the man was either ugly or indigent and middle class. Finally the shoe is on the other foot, since more and more men are calling in to file a complaint against women. The men are wealthy and the women are ugly and provincial.

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I still don't have a smart phone, and my technology know-how is probably stuck in 2004.


You're not missing out on anything. If you want one, maybe I could donate mine to you, and go back to a flip phone lol.



After I watched this, I became extremely creeped out by smartphones, especially the last group in the video.



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