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I want my Girl back


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I can not get over her, I don't know what to do. I work near her school, I know she is here around, within half a mile. I get online, she is there. I love her so much, and I know she loves me too. Deep down inside I still believe that we will get back together, but on the other hand I know that we are not ready to get back together now. That is the main reason we are apart now, to preserve what we have, and then later see what happens. But I am scared too, what if she finds someone, and starts going out. Well, my ex found out about my break up, and she keeps calling me every night.


I think I need to move away from this country for a while, or to another state at least.



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I know how you feel. I was in the same boat.


I can't offer much words of encouragement because I did the wrong thing and kept calling her. Just please try to find other things to do in the meantime and maybe a few weeks from now, give her a call if she doesn't give you a call in the meantime.



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