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Spring Break Jealousy?

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OK, how are all you guys doing? I know I haven't been by in awhile, but I had to see what you guys thought of this one.


Me and my "girlfriend" have been "dating" for about 3 weeks now after the long breakup thing. We do everything that we used to and we are continually getting more serious as time goes by. She now has said that she thinks that it is unfair for her to date other people and that is why she isn't. All is well at home, as far as I know. But, do you remember that she has said that she doesn't want to get serious until after Spring Break?


Well, we have gotten more serious now, more that I think that she has anticipated. It was going to happen due to all the things that we have done toghether. Anyway, she is really excited about Spring Break.


She is going to go to Ft. Lauderdale with some of her friends. She hasn't said much about it but she has said that I shouldn't worry because Ft. Lauderdale is not that big of a party city and just that she is really excited.


Well......yesterday, she showed me some of the clothes that she is going to wear. They were very revealing and showy. I said something about that everyone is going to look at her with those on. She said, "The only reason people wear leopard skin is to attract attention, right?". I didn't know what to say and didn't want to start a fight, so I just said yeah.


It really bothers me that she showed me these and that she is going to wear these. She also talked about drinking Vodka while she is down there and she has never even thought about drinking Vodka! She can drink one wine cooler and she is tipsy. I told her that Vodka will not be a good idea because I don't think that she can handle it.


I am just worried about her for the most part. Just seeing her wear those clothes down there and seeing other guys look and try to get with her just enrages me. Also, I don't know how she is going to react to them either.


The main point that I am trying to make is, should I say something to her about why she showed me those clothes? Just to make me jealous? Also, any words of encouragement about trying to not worry about her so much?


Thanks in advance. I love you guys!



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To ask her why she showed you those clothes would be to admit that it got to you. It serves no purpose for you to know the answer...so don't ask.


Young people go on Spring Break to have fun, get drunk, get tans, show off their bodies, party, dance and, in many cases, have sex.


I doubt your girl will get in too much trouble but you are in no position to tell her what to do or not to do. Any attempt to control her will set back what you have gained in the relationship.


She basically gave you a big hint before when she told you she didn't want to get serious until after Spring Break. I would interpret that statement, based on experience, as meaning "I fully intend to do whatever I want to do on Spring Break including, but not limited to, messing with guys in whatever way I determine appropriate at the time and I don't want to come home and feel guilty about it."


So, basically, you really have no say here...and she's going to do what she's going to do anyway. As a matter of fact, if you try to put up a fuss, she will behave worse than if you just keep your mouth shut.


Now, I know you love and trust this girl more than life itself so how could you possibly think she is going to wear those sexy swim suits to attract other guys??? Actually, lots of girls look their best so they'll look good compared to other females. There are billions of lucious breaks at the hot spring break locations.


When she returns, just ask her if she had a good time and that's all. For your own good, insist that she not go into detail.


Some women do these things to get rid of a guy. In this particular case, she's young...she wants a boyfriend while she's home but she also wants to go out and raise hell during spring break. It's called immaturity, not being ready to settle down, enjoying freedom, lack of total committment, etc.


Hope you can stay cool about this. If you can, it will drive her nuts and she'll love you all the more...maybe.

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Thanks again Tony! I am not going to say anything. She hasn't said anything else about it so I am not either. I doubt anything is going to happen because our relationship has gotten alot better now that we have been doing things together.


I think she just wants to go down there and have other guys look at her and try to get with her. I really doubt she is going to do anything with any of them. Even if she doesn't that still pisses me off that other guys are going to be looking at her. :)


I guess I am too overprotective.



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