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19 Years and going nuts


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I feel pretty dumb about this, although i know im not alone, but i am 19, a sophomore in college, and have never had a girlfriend. The closest thing i had was some girl who insisted she liked me through having 3-4 boyfriends, and we never really did anything anyway, so i think that her story was a bunch of crap. The first time i ever "made out" with someone was about a month ago during a very intoxicated game of spin the bottle, suggested by even more intoxicated friends.


This loneliness really gets to me sometimes, and i often fear that i'll be living or existing somehow by myself, with no one to share my life with. I am a bit overweight, which im working on, and i know it will help confidence, but it's nothing severe. I am not horribly obese or anything, and I think that I'm relatively alright looking. (girl) Friends of mine often compare me to a teddy bear, which is a lame thing to say, but it's often said about people for some reason. Anyway, I'm told that i am very funny, although i dont like to tell people that I am when i describe myself.


Now that the description is over, I just would like some help on how to solve this problem. I have no idea how to approach any situation in a way other than a "friendly" one (i don't know a better term). I have suspected that there have been girls who may have been interested in me before, but i'm too clueless to figure out how to pursue these things. How do i meet people, tell if theyre interested in me, and if they seem to be, what the hell are the steps that i take to establish a relationship? I feel like I'm way behind with this kind of thing.

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I didn't even hold a girl's hand until college, so don't worry...


two things you could do -

one, just do it - be assertive and put yourself out there and make as many passes at as many girls as you can, and you will definately probably most likely end up with someone (for at least a night)


wait until the right person shows up (and you will know when they do) and go from there


your choice...good luck

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You can change your fortunes at any age, but the first thing you have to do is to know something about how women approach dating, and how to make yourself attractive.


First off, can you give me an example of situations you've found yourself in recently? (i.e. dates that didn't work out, girls you asked out but rejected you...)

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haha, I'm 20 and never held a girl's hand! But I have made out and fell asleep in a girls bed - thanks Smirnoff. That was only a couple months ago though when I was 19 so i know how you feel. Girls never flirt with me and one did - but turned out that she was a "flirt whore," someone who flirts with anyone for attention. Yeah so girls have never been interested in me at all. Its ok I guess... I mean sometimes I feel down and cry at night about it.


There has only been like one girl who has been genuinely interested in me (2 if you count this girl back in elementary summer camp who'd chase me around, but I was "too young" for girls @ttime) but I wasn't interested in her in that way...


Hohum... I guess this isn't too much of a thoughtful post. Just letting you know someone else is in your situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fuzzy Chickens
Originally posted by ttjames

google.. "double your dating"


This guy is a genious...


How about something that doesn't require a credit card number? This is the information age, dammit... paying for knowledge is obsolete!

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I know how it is to feel that way. It sucked for me because I didn't kiss a girl till I was 27 ha! Man what a lonely existance that was. I was depressed all the time it was nuts! I had a lot of friends, most would leave one relationship and when ever they were ready for a new one it came instantly. I had one friend who had only 1 girlfriend and was single for so long. We would go out and hang out and try to pick up, never did. Then I introduced him to a dating web site I used and had no luck. He got shot down numerous times but then found someone. My life turned much worse. All my friend's including him were in stable relationships and me alone and no one to hang out with.


I finally fooled around when I was 27, it lasted only that night, then nothing again for 2 years. It took me almost 5 years on that dating website to meet someone I truly love and care about and she the same.


Oddly though it was when I gave up that it happened. I always put so much pressure on myself to get someone I reeked of desperation. Please what ever you do, don't seem desperate! Girls sense it and its a turn off. I went through the phase of calling, e-mailing and doing stupid desperate things to scare them all off.


Thats about all I can say. Good luck!

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