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Treatment needed for Blackheads

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Does anyone know how to get rid of blackheads? My nose has a lot of them and the Biore strips don't really get rid of them, just removes some leaving open pores that form bigger blackheads. Any remmedies anyone???! I hate them and have always had them. I wash my face daily and try to take good care but the blackheads are always there.

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I use this..



Queen Heline Mint Julep Mask. Obviously nothing is going to rid of the problem if they are REALLY bad but this stuff helps ALOT!! I'd say put a warm/hot towel over the area to open the pores and then apply the mask. Leave it on for at LEAST an hour but longer will work better. Trust me on this one, it has worked WONDERS for me. Also pick up an exfoliating cleanser. This will remove dead skin that is holding the pores closed, creating blackheads.


Good luck!!



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I have this problem on my nose too and I hate it! I have tried those Biore stirps myself and find they don't work that well. I thought once I hit 30 I would be getting over it. GL, I hope that mask works. I will have to check into myself.

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