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Why do I attract guys that I'm NOT attracted to and would never date?


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Either I need to really work on my appearance to get the hot looking 28 year old guy, instead of looking like an average plain jane.


Why don't you ask younger guys out?

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So...a self described plain Jane wonders why younger, hot guys are picking hot women over her. Right...




I hate to be mean but..... this ^^^^^

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Lol.... the OP thinks these men that aren't attracted to her must want " super models":lmao:


I attract young men and they don't need super models! They just want an average to slim woman with a pretty face. They don't usually need model material!


I am no super model but I am slim and have large boobs and a butt and curves.


I have a very venerated body shape which I play up...


I also have a nice smile and clear skin which = hot young men into me usually for sex/ sometimes for dating so attracting hot young men isn't all it is cracked up to be - it leads to a lot of short lived flings as many of them don't need to settle down nor do they want to, so they hold out for ideal woman and they don't mess about in relationships with women they aren't super into....


They don't need a model look like, but they do need pretty and slim to average sized women....

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This happens to a lot of people. Everyone feels they are entitled to a certain type of something. I am attracted to attractive people but I unfortunately settle for someone who I am not attracted to. Those who I am attracted to are not attracted to me. Those who are attracted to I am not attracted to. And then I embark on these weird situations where I know I enjoy the attention of them ( because it's rare and I'm grateful for it) but I am not attracted to the person I am dating. You may have to ask yourself some very harsh questions. I asked myself " am i batting above my average?" and I asked some friends about how I looked and what i can wear. Your girlfriends will always tell you your fabulous but my guy friends will always tell me the brutal truth.


Be honest with yourself and what it is you want.

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It's kind of interesting, with online dating it's a whole different world of unattractive people who expect the attractive.


Overweight people wanting young, fit, washboard abs men with a full head of hair and MUST be 6 feet or taller when they themselves haven't weighed themselves lately.



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If you are plain and frumpy looking, perhaps they think you are older.


Or younger. I wear a lot of moomoos and loose clothes. Ive had older men come up to me because they thought I was a child or they thought I looked like a teenager. :sick: Dating someone very young is a very big deal to a lot of older men.


Op, are you hanging out where people your age are?

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I'm 25. I get hit on maybe twice a year, and it's by men in their 60's and 70's.




Are you sure you're not really 52? :p

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If you only ever get attention from older men then perhaps you could use an image update as others suggested.


I'm 45 and get approached by older men but also by much younger men too.

I was asked out in the last year by two guys, one had been working on my house for several weeks following an insurance claim. I knew him pretty well by this point - he was 26. He thought I was 32.

He would see me most days when I was off to work and once on a weekend so he saw pretty much every dress style I wear from dressed up for work to jeans, combats (we have dress down days often at work) and yoga pants.

The second guy was again in his twenties and he spotted me on my walk to work every day.


Thinking about it there's a guy who I think is younger but not by that much who I see now and then en route to work while he is out jogging. He always smiles and says hello to me. He doesn't do this to everyone though as I have seen him jog past others and not say a word, nor smile.


I wear black quite a bit but also will wear reds and browns as they suit me. I don't do the flashing flesh thing aside from having a few tops which show a hint of cleavage.

I mostly go for form fitting clothes as I'm short and slim but have curves. Many styles that are in fashion would totally drown me or make me look like a frump so I pretty much stick to my own style and then change it up when I find an item of clothing I really like that I can work with.


Maybe you could get some male friends to give you an honest opinion on what might suit you - if that is you fancy a change of style.

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