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I don't know what he wants?

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My ex and I broke up recently. We were together since we were 15, so 6 years, and he said he wanted the chance to date this girl from work.

I have seen him twice since the break up and he is very confused about how he feels, and I'm certain that he doesn't want to loose me entirely. He has said that there is still a chance, he just needs to do this so he knows for certain. I get it.


I am also pretty certain that his date will not go well, the woman is 6 years older than him, works at his company, lives an hour away and actually told him she wasn't interested although would give him the chance to go for a drink.


I am fairly confident there will be a chance for reconciliation, but I have seen on fb that the woman he saw when we had a brief break 4 years ago (who is his brothers friend) has added him. She is 30, an alcoholic and has 2 daughters. Am I being paranoid? Or have I completely misread the situation about a chance of reconciliation?


I just want to be able to move on if there's no chance.

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He doesn't know either. He likes the comfort of the relationship with you, but feels like he's "missing out" if he doesn't screw other girls/women.


Don't wait for him, it's pointless and could take years. Even if you two got back together he'd likely cheat on you anyway. Move on, and don't let decisions like second chances be your partner's choice only. Most of the time there really is no reason to bother anymore.

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Take a step back and don't be there waiting for him. He has made his choice and it wasn't you. You need to keep telling yourself that. He doesn't know what he wants. Trust me, i've been there very recently and my ex came back and I can tell she still doesn't know what she wants and I'm not going to be there for unless she knows for sure she wants me and enough time hasn't gone by to allow her to do that.

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