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Update, to Tony, Sparkle and everyone

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

WOW!!!! Its amazing how good your alls advise works. I met a girl a while back and she is very beautiful, and extremely intelligent.


I did everything you all talk about. I posed as a challenge to her. I don't call her back proptly, im always the one to get off the phone first when the conversation starts to die out, I don't call her back exactly when i say i will, i act really convidence around her, and i don't kiss her butt.


She is acting more and more interested in me everyday. She calls me everday and i usually don't answer, i will wait a while to call her back. She seems crazy about me. I really really like her alot. I'll tell you how good it has been working, yesturday she asked ME out, so tonite we are going to the movies.


Im REALLY excited and a little nervous. I just want to thank you all for all the great advise and the different techniques on how to get her interested. Its amazing how good it works.

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Yes, it does work. Nobody wants a person who just throws themselves at them without any effort.


Scroll down a ways to a series of five or six posts in a row by sparkle where she gives some excellent information on meeting and dating women. Since you don't need it right now, it may just be good for you to know and pass on to your children.


Congratulations on your new lady!

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Dear Bobby D.,


I'm glad to hear everything is going so well! You are at a good point here. You've got her interested in you and you're making her come back for more :)


I hope things work out great between the two of you. Have fun at the movies! Let us know how it went.


Btw, how's the weather and the roads in md (you're in baltimore right)? Icy?

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