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God, what do i do...

confused little girl

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confused little girl

here is my situation. my boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months...and I feel that I am in love. I have never felt this comfortable, this floaty, this passionate and excited about anyone before in my entire life. However, things changed when we went our separate ways, I went to school in the south and he stayed in the north. Its hard to remain sensitive and always be able to reassure them your love when you are 11 hours apart. He would do anything for me in the drop of a hat...he claims he is crazy in love for me. Recently he made me feel awful when he told me i havent lifted a finger to show i cared, or to reassure him that my love is true. He told me i speak empty words...i have no way to back up what i tell him. He also told me I was the worst girlfriend he had ever had...however, he cannot leave, will not leave because he loves me sooo much, he wants to get married. I felt i have found the one i want to marry...i want to spend the rest of my life with him...HOW CAN I SHOW HIM that i care, REASSURE HIM that my love is true...how can i earn his trust...???? please help.

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here is my situation. my boyfriend and I

have been together for 10 months...and I feel that I am in love. I have never felt this comfortable, this floaty, this passionate and excited about anyone before in my entire life. However, things changed when we went our separate ways, I went to school in the south and he stayed in the north. Its hard to remain sensitive and always be able to reassure them your love when you are 11 hours apart. He would do anything for me in the drop of a hat...he claims he is crazy in love for me. Recently he made me feel awful when he told me i havent lifted a finger to show i cared, or to reassure him that my love is true. He told me i speak empty words...i have no way to back up what i tell him. He also told me I was the worst girlfriend he had ever had...however, he cannot leave, will not leave because he loves me sooo much, he wants to get married. I felt i have found the one i want to marry...i want to spend the rest of my life with him...HOW CAN I SHOW HIM that i care, REASSURE HIM that my love is true...how can i earn his trust...???? please help.


Get in the car, drive 11 hours, then swallow. Repeat every weekend.

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What to do is... first don't listen to Bob Guccione =Þ.


But more seriously, when I read the following:


"He also told me I was the worst girlfriend he had ever had."


It was like highlighted in red marker, and it looks bad how he'd call you that. But I read the story again and I have just 1 question, was he mad or disappointed at you when he said that? Because many times 2 people who love each other dearly will on rare occasion say things like that out of anger, which they don't really mean. He could be frustrated with the fact that you are 11 hours apart, I'd say explore more in this relationship before you set your mind in stone with a marriage, at least with him, at this point.


You also noted, "how can i earn his trust...????", and again I have another question, is that if he loves you shouldn't he be trusting you? Or have you done anything that might warrant him to not trust you as he did before (if he did before?)?


Keep in mind that 10 months is a relatively short time, and I assume you are fairly young right now, going to school (college?)... you might need more time to get to know them even more better, which you probably think is impossible, but with more time you will see.

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