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I cannot seem to let myself get close to guys! I've always been self-conscious, but I get even more nervous when with most guys and cannot talk with them in a conversational manner. I guess I've never been able to trust members of the opposite sex that well (for no specific reason). I do have some guy friends, but when I'm even slightly attracted to a guy I tend to screw it up by keeping silent or pretending to ignore him. I don't want to make a fool of myself, but, ironically, I feel like even more of a fool for not trying harder. Help me!! I'm pretty screwed up!!

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Try this: you might want to go to a place where you are very comfortable with such as a club you might frequent, for a date. This way, you'll have good surroundings, and you don't have to worry about outside factors bothering you. You can talk about things you KNOW, things you LIKE, etc, you said that you cannot "trust members of the opposite sex that well," well I'd like to know what is it that you don't trust about a guy? Is it that you get uncomfortable telling a male too much?


Maybe... you should "make a fool" out of yourself so that you'll know what to avoid next time, but I'd say the best thing is to hang out with more guys, just friends, then when you're attracted to them (friend/stranger), it won't be THAT different, especially when it's a friend.

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