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Need rentry into the dating world help!

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Three of Swords
Originally posted by RecordProducer

I don't want to f*ck someone once and then feel like a total slut. :mad:


Amen - and that is the biggest part of my problem here.

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Originally posted by Three of Swords

I wish I could say I was no longer thinking about him.


I have spent the better part of tonight crying about this whole sh^itty situation.


I still work there unfortunately. And today had to watch him 'flirt' with two of the younger women who work there. I just want to go up to them and say hey - listen up here.


But I feel I should be a better person than that. So have resisted the temptation - so far.


I haven't run into him at all outside of the work place though - so I guess that is good?


I can empahthize with you. Sorry it happened.


This is unfortunately a good example of why you shouldn't "poop where you eat" so to speak. It's always an uncomfortable situation. He wanted sex, you wanted sex and you both got what you asked for. Unfortunately it wasn't the result YOU wanted and now you're both uncomfortable and he's avoiding you.


If you wanted a relationship, then no sex is the best way to get it. Sorry, but even I agree with that philosophy. Even me as a man will not give in to sex anymore so easily. If you want my love, you're going to have to earn it.

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Three of Swords
Originally posted by ConfusedInOC

This is unfortunately a good example of why you shouldn't "poop where you eat" so to speak. It's always an uncomfortable situation. He wanted sex, you wanted sex and you both got what you asked for. Unfortunately it wasn't the result YOU wanted and now you're both uncomfortable and he's avoiding you.


Ha ha - yah! I LOVE being a perfect example of what not to do. :sick:


Dating -


It is all such a game - I just forgot the rules. A lesson painfully learned.

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Next time u accidentally bump into him, ask him why he's being such an ass? As long as he knows, and YOU know that a simple hello isn't a marriage proposal!

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Originally posted by Three of Swords

Ha ha - yah! I LOVE being a perfect example of what not to do. :sick:


Dating -


It is all such a game - I just forgot the rules. A lesson painfully learned.


Like you said, Three, you made a mistake. It's all good, as long as you've learned from it, which you obviously did.


Peace girl. Dating does kinda suck. It's WEIRD.

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Three of Swords
Originally posted by MWC_LifeBeginsAt40

Next time u accidentally bump into him, ask him why he's being such an ass? As long as he knows, and YOU know that a simple hello isn't a marriage proposal!


Wish I had the balls to do that


Truth be told even is he were so inclined and on his bended knee - he is NOT someone I would marry anyway.

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Three of Swords

On Thursday a bunch of us from work go to a club - and the dude from work is there. We are politely friendly - he goes off to play pool. I chat, joke have a good time with the rest of them at the table.


Then a bunch of us go up onto the dance floor. The work dude joins us - we all dance together for a while and then he does the "dirty dancing" with me! And I gave back as good as I got and then turned my back on him and continued dancing. He really didn't say much to me all during the night - neither before the dance or afterward - talk about mixed messages!! What the heck does this mean?


Had a really good time over all. And yes - went home alone.


Fast forward to tonight.


All along I have been saying to myself - it will be OK cause I work in a separate area than he does.


Well they were out of room in the regular work area so they needed to assign three people to work in the small room where I and two other women work. These women are my friends and know my story - so guess who one of people moved in with us was? Yup - work dude.


So yeah - VERY awkward. Made him nervous too - cause he was jumping up every few minutes to go out of the room.


But I played it cool - outwardly anyway and everyone relaxed. We even all joked and laughed throughout the night.


Guess I will be paying the piper for this 'mistake' for a bit yet?? Confused inOC where were you when I was first contemplating this endevour? Never mind - others told me and I still didn't listen. No one to blame but myself.

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Mz. Pixie



You say this guy is not someone who you would marry but then you're crying over him?


That's confusing to me. What's upsetting you so much- the fact that he's ignoring you or the fact that you did it to begin with??


You think that a man would be giving himself this much grief after he slept with someone who didn't want to see him later? NOOOOOO and neither should you.


Read the latest issue of Cosmo. It has a chapter in there about the dirty tricks guys will pull to get you into the sack.


He's giving you a pity thrill by dancing with you. I would have just walked away.

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Originally posted by RecordProducer


In any case, I hate this feature of guys - they use women for sex without any announcement. That's immoral. The sex is a mutual pleasure, but if I had known that guys were only into sex, I wouldn't have slept with them. So that's why they hide their true intentions. I don't want to f*ck someone once and then feel like a total slut. :mad:


Lol, there are plenty of women who does this too you know!

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Three of Swords
Originally posted by Mz. Pixie



You say this guy is not someone who you would marry but then you're crying over him?


That's confusing to me. What's upsetting you so much- the fact that he's ignoring you or the fact that you did it to begin with??


You think that a man would be giving himself this much grief after he slept with someone who didn't want to see him later? NOOOOOO and neither should you.


Read the latest issue of Cosmo. It has a chapter in there about the dirty tricks guys will pull to get you into the sack.


He's giving you a pity thrill by dancing with you. I would have just walked away.


The crying was from an earlier post - I got over it. It was from lonliness, frustration and confusion.


Furthermore, I knew he would never be marriage material anyway. Too young, too unsettled, different lifestyle from me.


What I was hoping for was a long term fling. Maybe I am frustrated cause it was over before I wanted it to be. :p I did/do like the dude - he is fun, sociable, witty, easy on the eyes


I don't think the dance was a pity thrill. I was having a wonderful time, talking, dancing and laughing. And there was a guy hitting on me prior to the dance. All of which the work dude witnessed. Maybe he just wanted to see if he could still get my attention. Who knows? And (right now anyway) who cares?


I haven't worked with him for nearly a week and my frame of mind has much improved - so yeah to no contact. :bunny:

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