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wtf is going on here

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Im entitled to my opnions as much as you are yours all I said when I brought it up was I could see why the tenets would be upset that was all its reasonable imo if you disagree ok thats fine..


"Upset" sure.

Sometimes graphic ads upset me a teensy bit


Do I call up the advertiser and scream at them? No.

Would I expect the advertiser to not think I am a total nutjob if I did? No.


Would hearing about my friend's boyfriend fighting with her upset me a teensy bit? Sure.

Would I go screaming at him? Heck no.

Would I expect him to accept that I am "upset" about it? Crap, no.

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When will it end.


Sooner than if you had left it longer to get rid of her.


Just keep plugging away. It will be a new year soon and you can start a fresh with out all this drama and weirdness.


Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Eventually you will get there.

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It'll either be because signing that slip included agreeing to some clause allowing them to take any other money they felt was due to them (which may or may not be legally enforceable) or just common practice in the hotel industry where people extend their stay and, typically, it doesn't turn out to be fraudulent or unauthorised.


Yes i talked to the hotel agent who processed the second night. She was very sorry and knew it was not authorized so will be talking to management today to get it reversed. I advised her she should have her manager speak to the police as this woman is a fraudster and that there is an active investigation with the police and that they should phone the cops.


Bank as well is well advised of the situation.


I dont think the front desk girl meant any harm, this girl worked me for 7 weeks a hotel front desk worker wouldnt stand a chance shes very smooth i told the front desk worker its ok i just want the charge reversed.

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"Upset" sure.

Sometimes graphic ads upset me a teensy bit


Do I call up the advertiser and scream at them? No.

Would I expect the advertiser to not think I am a total nutjob if I did? No.


Would hearing about my friend's boyfriend fighting with her upset me a teensy bit? Sure.

Would I go screaming at him? Heck no.

Would I expect him to accept that I am "upset" about it? Crap, no.




It would be one thing for an adult to say to me, "listen your (ex) girlfriend told me this and it has me concerned that our ability to stay here is in jeapordy"


Its entirely another to be sitting on the couch, realizing my mothers wedding rings are gone on Sunday, to be screamed at for an hour and a half about the situation unable to get a word in edgewise. Then, taking the next day off to rip off the band aid with my landlord, to be accused of being a liar for over an hour by text message over what i said to the OTHER tenant, then when they are both home to proceed to scream at me for over an hour calling me a liar, mocking my job, and refusing to even accept my side of the story over my fraudster (ex) girlfriend and saying its all my fault.


I dont even have to give them my side of the story, its none of their business. They have a roof over their head and utilities. They paid for it and theyre getting it. End of story.

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"Upset" sure.

Sometimes graphic ads upset me a teensy bit


Do I call up the advertiser and scream at them? No.

Would I expect the advertiser to not think I am a total nutjob if I did? No.


Would hearing about my friend's boyfriend fighting with her upset me a teensy bit? Sure.

Would I go screaming at him? Heck no.

Would I expect him to accept that I am "upset" about it? Crap, no.

Adds quite not in the same leauge as being afraid of loseing your home just putting that out there its clear me you and the op disagree on that subject and thats fine we cant all agree on here 24/7..after all...hopefully he can get things sorted so they keep that roof over their heads..the entire situation is insane to me at this point you would think once she was gone that would be it really..

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Adds quite not in the same leauge as being afraid of loseing your home just putting that out there its clear me you and the op disagree on that subject and thats fine we cant all agree on here 24/7..after all...hopefully he can get things sorted so they keep that roof over their heads..the entire situation is insane to me at this point you would think once she was gone that would be it really..


I had a user friend once. She had people lining up to help her because she was a professional victim that acted as though she was just thisclose from being able to provide for herself.


People like that vacuum everything they can. everything.

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If kyta threw a $5 bill outvthe window right now, she would probably catch it and knock on tje door to ask for another so she has a "matching set."

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I used a little charm on the front desk worker at the hotel and figured out what happened.


I'm sure the active police report helped.


So she checked out the first night and then came back. Checked in again and tried to use my same card. They needed me to come down and pay or send them another form. She told them I would send it in and mocked a call to me on the phone (which remember she has no cell service) . When they knocked on the door because it wasn't received she said I would be picking her up in the morning and I would pay then. Sunday morning she left without checking out and left her luggage behind.


Two days later the hotel just billed my card to recoup the loss. Two days after that I discovered it and took action. Yesterday they voided the charge. The reason for the foot dragging on their part was because she hadn't actually forged anything, it was the hotel manager who took it upon himself to charge my card, probably thinking it was a scam to get two nights for the price of one.


I'm sure the credit card company will be having a stern words with him over that decision.


It all just goes to show that she's a pretty smooth operator. I told the front desk girl not to feel bad because she is a very good liar.

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I'm sure the credit card company will be having a stern words with him over that decision.


I doubt it, but I'm glad you got this charge refunded.

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Doubt it. My tenant who had her jewelry taken had some stuff for the donate, a bunch of clothes. Thats probably what it was.


She can't show up at the next victims place to start it all over again with a bunch of extra clothes, he'd be wise pretty fast. Who shows up to a date with a couple reusable shopping bags filled with mismatched used clothes.


She probably sold all the jewelry so she can show up with four or five hundred bucks on hand so she can present herself as employed like she did with me.

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Doubt it. My tenant who had her jewelry taken had some stuff for the donate, a bunch of clothes. Thats probably what it was.


She can't show up at the next victims place to start it all over again with a bunch of extra clothes, he'd be wise pretty fast. Who shows up to a date with a couple reusable shopping bags filled with mismatched used clothes.


She probably sold all the jewelry so she can show up with four or five hundred bucks on hand so she can present herself as employed like she did with me.


She could advertise on Hobodates.com

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She could advertise on Hobodates.com


Bwahahaha. Even with everything going on that made me laugh so hard i had to check if it existed. LOL.


Good business idea though. Maybe Ill launch it. Might be a way for the socially awkward or ugly to find love and cure homelessness at the same time. LOL


"Hobodates.com - Matching romantically desperate and and the housing challenged since 2014. Over 250,000 housed."




Good one

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Bwahahaha. Even with everything going on that made me laugh so hard i had to check if it existed. LOL.


Good business idea though. Maybe Ill launch it. Might be a way for the socially awkward or ugly to find love and cure homelessness at the same time. LOL


"Hobodates.com - Matching romantically desperate and and the housing challenged since 2014. Over 250,000 housed."




Good one


What can I say?


I pracrically pioneered it.

I married a hobo. (No kidding)

He wasn't socially awkward or ugly though.



I don't suggest the same in your case though!

At least mine was upfront and asked me for change from the get-go!


I like that "250000 housed" LOL


The Tent City Bridal House opens the following year. :)

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She probably sold all the jewelry so she can show up with four or five hundred bucks on hand so she can present herself as employed like she did with me.

You know, it might behoove you to haunt the local pawn shops to see if your mother's jewelry shows up...

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I hope that your tenants have apologized for screaming at you. I agree that it is none of their business what happens to their rent money so long as they get the room and utilities and all that they paid for. I have subletted before and I would have been pissed if the guy had given me a hard time about things or stuck his nose into things. So long as he is in no danger of being evicted that's all that matters.



I agree that you should check out the pawn shops, or check craiglist to see if she is selling your mothers ring online. You could even post an ad that says "WARNING: Do not buy this ring, it was stolen. Please contact me if you see someone trying to sell this ring." I did that with my bike when it disappeared last summer. I got a message from someone else who also had his bike stolen. You could even describe the woman who stole from you. Maybe someone else who got scammed by her or is in contact with her will see your message and contact you.

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I already queried the local pawn shops and nothing. I didnt do the whole metro area just my city.


No apologies from the tenants. Nothing. Theyre in cahoots, and its obvious they are both moving out this weekend. Probably together, i asked but got a denial on that, doesnt matter to me at this point.

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Maybe they are moving in with your ex. After all, she's going to give them a good deal and pay for everything. Not right away but really soon! All they have to do is wait and be patient!

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Maybe they are moving in with your ex. After all, she's going to give them a good deal and pay for everything. Not right away but really soon! All they have to do is wait and be patient!


Lol yea haha. She will put the deposit and first months rent down in just another couple days.

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Actually all of this is really positive.


You are getting rid of tenants that gossiped about you. You have got rid of this woman.


You can start completely afresh and new.


That must be liberating.

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Well i peiced two and two together and it started to just get comical, at least i can laugh about it now.


The male tenant was all packing his boxes and silently stewing. The female tenant is fully packed, also silently stewing. The tension in the air you could cut with a knife.


I was going through my drawers in my room looking for something and noticed that my combat knife was missing. It was here after i kicked the manipulating con artist out. She knew that knife was important to me so she likely stole it to send me a message.


So she was here after i kicked her out.


I went to the hotel to get my money back. Good thing, as they never processed the reversal. Talked to the hotel about it all. I paid for friday she stayed saturday illegally and left sunday morning.


Turns out mr. Tenant had her over on monday, she sent the email to my landlord from his computer. During which time she of course filled his head with bull, which he rapidly relayed to ms. Tenant. The internet getting coincidentally cut off because given events i forgot to pay the bill. He gave ms. Con artist money to get a place. During which time she came upstairs to grab the email so she could email my landlord, and summarily robbed ms. Tenants jewelry. Told him she would have her magic imaginary friend come just this weekend to get his and ms. Tenants stuff.


So all last week they packed and stewed and the screaming match ensued because ms. Con artist was swooping in to save the day. She told them i.was lying about my moms diamond rings, told them i simply pawned them away.


Along comes the weekend and boxes are packed. Ms. Con artist never shows they realize they got jacked.


I calmly ask mr. Tenant if hes not leaving today, is he leaving soon, or how long will he stay. He shouts and yells in massive frustration. "i owe you nothing, not.even an explanation!".


I tell him that the locks are all changed and i will not give a key. I just paid $100 to change the locks, to give them keys when they are both moving out in days, would that be very smart of me?


Then mr and ms tenant come home yesterday. Pious and heavy in heart, and without key, they ask of me. May we stay, may we have a key? Nobody moves at Christmas, and rent i shall pay ye?


I advise them that i figured it out and knew all along. How stupid were they to not beleive me and get played for a song. I told them there was one word i needed to hear if they were to get a key. And that word, was "sorry".


You see when my knife was missing and the locks were changed, i advised ms. Tenant that ms. Con had been here after she was gone. Likely in furious texting amongst eachother, ms. Tenant realized that it was not i, but mr. Tenant who had enabled the theft. At this point ms. Con had already left.


Chuckles. Karmas a bitch.

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Well i peiced two and two together and it started to just get comical, at least i can laugh about it now.


The male tenant was all packing his boxes and silently stewing. The female tenant is fully packed, also silently stewing. The tension in the air you could cut with a knife.


I was going through my drawers in my room looking for something and noticed that my combat knife was missing. It was here after i kicked the manipulating con artist out. She knew that knife was important to me so she likely stole it to send me a message.


So she was here after i kicked her out.


I went to the hotel to get my money back. Good thing, as they never processed the reversal. Talked to the hotel about it all. I paid for friday she stayed saturday illegally and left sunday morning.


Turns out mr. Tenant had her over on monday, she sent the email to my landlord from his computer. During which time she of course filled his head with bull, which he rapidly relayed to ms. Tenant. The internet getting coincidentally cut off because given events i forgot to pay the bill. He gave ms. Con artist money to get a place. During which time she came upstairs to grab the email so she could email my landlord, and summarily robbed ms. Tenants jewelry. Told him she would have her magic imaginary friend come just this weekend to get his and ms. Tenants stuff.


So all last week they packed and stewed and the screaming match ensued because ms. Con artist was swooping in to save the day. She told them i.was lying about my moms diamond rings, told them i simply pawned them away.


Along comes the weekend and boxes are packed. Ms. Con artist never shows they realize they got jacked.


I calmly ask mr. Tenant if hes not leaving today, is he leaving soon, or how long will he stay. He shouts and yells in massive frustration. "i owe you nothing, not.even an explanation!".


I tell him that the locks are all changed and i will not give a key. I just paid $100 to change the locks, to give them keys when they are both moving out in days, would that be very smart of me?


Then mr and ms tenant come home yesterday. Pious and heavy in heart, and without key, they ask of me. May we stay, may we have a key? Nobody moves at Christmas, and rent i shall pay ye?


I advise them that i figured it out and knew all along. How stupid were they to not beleive me and get played for a song. I told them there was one word i needed to hear if they were to get a key. And that word, was "sorry".


You see when my knife was missing and the locks were changed, i advised ms. Tenant that ms. Con had been here after she was gone. Likely in furious texting amongst eachother, ms. Tenant realized that it was not i, but mr. Tenant who had enabled the theft. At this point ms. Con had already left.


Chuckles. Karmas a bitch.


Are you sure you don't enjoy the drama?


It might be simpler if you just found some new tenants. (Although if they are potential witnesses in your case with the police you, or the police, may still need to know where they move to.)

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No I don't enjoy the drama at all but I do find it kind of funny. Remember I was telling them what was going on and they were screaming at me calling me a liar because they believed the conning ex.


It will be better to get new tenants but at least I'm not going to get screwed over the holidays.

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It would be one thing for an adult to say to me, "listen your (ex) girlfriend told me this and it has me concerned that our ability to stay here is in jeapordy"


Its entirely another to be sitting on the couch, realizing my mothers wedding rings are gone on Sunday, to be screamed at for an hour and a half about the situation unable to get a word in edgewise. Then, taking the next day off to rip off the band aid with my landlord, to be accused of being a liar for over an hour by text message over what i said to the OTHER tenant, then when they are both home to proceed to scream at me for over an hour calling me a liar, mocking my job, and refusing to even accept my side of the story over my fraudster (ex) girlfriend and saying its all my fault.


I dont even have to give them my side of the story, its none of their business. They have a roof over their head and utilities. They paid for it and theyre getting it. End of story.


What idiots.


Hope you find new tenants quickly.

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