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ok guys listen...I have a problem. There is this guy whose 19 and in college that is really awesome! hes sweet, hes nice, hes cute...I Like him and he likes me...so its good. Before he came into the picture about a few weeks ago I liked this other guy whose a year older than me...he goes to my school and hes so like me! everything we like is similar its really cool. We've known eachother for about 7 months and have gotten real close. We went out together a few times but we didnt consider them dates. Nothing happened so I didnt know...I saw him tonight right? well he was all flirty with me and we laughed alot and he defintley likes me too...I hung out with the 19 year old yesterday and thursday. Ok im screwed? I've done this before once and the guy I choose was totally the wrong one...How do I go about choosing? they dont know eachother and I know it hasnt come down to picking one yet...but im thinking it will...what do i do?

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This is a decision up to you, it seems like you are significantly younger than 19 years old (maybe 15, 16?). If that's the case, I'd say date closer to your age, it'll lessen the complications at this stage of your young life. But actually, you must find out the one that treats you better and cares for you more, make sure they want more than just sexual relations, unless that's what you are looking for also... depends on if you want a long term relationship or you don't really care or you haven't thought about it that much?


Also note that you CAN just date 1 and keep the other as a close friend, where you might be able to find out if you've made the right choice or not... a lot of options, it's your choice, don't worry about right/wrong, life's long, live =).

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So why do you have to make a choice? Don't people just date around anymore? Do you have to make a choice in the beginning on who to get serious with?


I can't imagine a situation where I would go out with somebody once or twice and be obligated to date them for a long time.


Go out and have fun with both of these guys. Find out which one you like best. Then make a decision.


My bet is you'll meet another guy in a few weeks who could rock your world more than either of these. Take things slow and be cool about this.


If either of these guys puts pressure on you to make a choice or to get serious, that's the one you should dump. If they both put pressure on you, get rid of both of them.

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