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I'm thinking of havign sex with my boyfriend... I'm a bit worried, because we are both virgins and i'm afraid he won't be able to use the condom properly or something... Silly worries or what?


I don't wanna go on any pills. Condom is the only protection I accept.



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If you're worried that he won't be able to put the condom on correctly, why don't *you* learn how to put one on? Grab yourself a box of condoms and on the inside, you'll find an information leaflet. Read through it, grab a cucumber, and try it yourself. This way, you'll be more comfortable knowing that it's on properly. Also, many men find it a turn-on when a women puts the comdom on.

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Go slowly, if the first condom just doesn't go on right...and they can be awkward...have him try the second and even the third one. Some brands go on better than others.


I do recommended at some point that if you're going to have sex regularly you ought to consider additional birth control measures. While condoms are significant protect, I can think of three people I know right off the top of my head who got pregnant despite their use (or so they say). They are not 100 percent.


The manufacturers themselves state on the package they are primarilly meant for protection against disease, although in the old days they were mostly for avoiding pregnancy.


The odds of getting pregnant are extremely slim if they're used properly. Just take your time for the entire experience and you'll be fine. But do more research on this subject at some point.

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it's not a silly worry at all. i think it's wise to be concerned about using one properly.


i know this might sound a little crazy, but i am being serious here, so bear with me....


condoms have instructions on how to use them in the box. buy a pack, get a cucumber or a banana and follow the directions on the pack. you can practice this way, and when the time comes, you won't feel so awkward about it. but just remember that condoms are not 100% fool proof. there have been cases of people falling pregnant even though a condom was used, and you must remember to store them correctly, as the leaflet will describe.


as the old saying goes - practice makes perfect!

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I think you should save your virginity for your husband. Personally, I'd say have sex with only 1 man, it'll mean so much more to that person, and it'll be better overall, save it for marriage if that's at all possible.

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You're right, I'm just giving another option to her =)


It's not even the case with me, but I know I will marry the girl I am with right now, and I know how important it is to have sex with only 1 partner, it makes it so much more special!

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Actually...if you set your mind to it, staying a virgin is not hard at all.


And it's completely healthy.


But of course, only you know when you're ready to or not.

Well, I'm not planning to get married until i'm around 25-26. Kind of hard to stay a virgin until then, dontcha think? :) It might be also a bit unhealthy... not sure...
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Actually...if you set your mind to it, staying a virgin is not hard at all.


it's really isn't that hard to have sex. i've only ever had sex when i feel 100% sure about it. i'd hate to do it if i wasn't sure and regret it later. right now, i consider myself a "born again virgin" (a lighthearted nickname i've earnt from my friends because i usually go a long time in between boyfriends without even kissing a guy. but i'm happy, so it's all good!).


but loving someone does make all the difference, and i say that from experience. but i don't have any regrets and i am very responsible when it comes to sex. and that is important.


personally, i don't think there's anything wrong with having sex before marriage - if it's something you feel comfortable with, if you practice safe sex, and if you feel ready to take that step. oh, and never succumb to pressure from friends or your boyfriend. you will know when it's right and it is none of anyone elses business when that time is :)

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