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How do I tell her?

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I like this girl, and she likes me. The only problem is that I would like her to take the lead in the realtionship. I just finshed a year long relationship where I made all the decisions, whether I wanted to or not. I'm afraid if I just tell her that she'll think I'm not interested. What do I do?

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Women like men who make decisions and generally take a leadership role. On the other hand, they want to feel they are an important part of it and that they have a significant voice in it.


Once the relationship has progressed sufficiently, delegate some of the leadership role to her but don't give her all of it. If you're interested in a long term relationship with her, don't put everything on her shoulders. That's simply not what relationships are all about.


If you are just too bogged down right now to share the leadership role or to give much energy to the relationship, you may just want to date around for a while and give yourself some time to renew.


Otherwise, just tell her where you're head's at but, even though she may understand, she won't like a situation that puts most things on her shoulder. Most women would probably not feel that's a good thing in a relationship.

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I'm just curious because i've heard his from a few guys - they said they love it when the girl "takes initiative"


Why?? I always thought most guys are kind of bossy and would rather lead than follow...


Anyway, I think it just depends on the person. Maybe you should look for a girl who's a 'leader-type'. I remember a couple who are like that off the top of head so I'm guessing they're not that rare...


Bye! - me

I like this girl, and she likes me. The only problem is that I would like her to take the lead in the realtionship. I just finshed a year long relationship where I made all the decisions, whether I wanted to or not. I'm afraid if I just tell her that she'll think I'm not interested. What do I do?
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