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What is up with this?

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My neighbor is 20 years old, and I am 22 years old. He is cute, and he's kinda new, he moved in with my neighbor (whom is his girlfriend) so I know not to mess with that. I just keep it friendly, and neighborly. Well he hangs out with my brother a lot, so he is always here. He gets in my personal space and he leans in all the time, and every time I leave he always say "Where you going?" in a weird tone.



Last night he said "You look nice, where you going?" in a weird way. He also said my hair looks nice. He acts flirty when he isn't with his girlfriend. He kept talking about my Suicide Silence hoodie, that I wore a week ago lol. Later on in the night, I was talking to his girlfriend about a guy I like, and he said "Is that your boyfriend?" in front of his girlfriend, once again, it was a weird/angry tone. It's not a normal tone of voice how he asks these questions with me. Why does he want to know where I go or who I go out with? What is up with this? Should I be alarmed? Should I let this go? Can you tell me what you think? Is this going to progress somewhere bad?

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Tell him to mind his own business... suggest that as he has his GF, he should focus on making her the happiest girl in the world... you can look after yourself....


Give him the cold shoulder, and discourage him in every way possible.

Don't ever finds yourself alone with him. And if he shoots questions at you, ignore them. You don't owe him any response or explanation...


He's somewhat immature, you're right to leave well alone....

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Have you thought that you may be getting a wrong impression from him? To me, it sounds no big deal. He's your brother's friend, maybe he's just trying to be social. Regardless, you know he has a girlfriend so while I don't think you should ignore him, you shouldn't create anything that may lead him to think you're flirting with him - in case he's indeed flirting with you. You may be right, but for now he hasn't done anything I would consider suspicious or whatever.

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Tell him to mind his own business... suggest that as he has his GF, he should focus on making her the happiest girl in the world... you can look after yourself....


Give him the cold shoulder, and discourage him in every way possible.

Don't ever finds yourself alone with him. And if he shoots questions at you, ignore them. You don't owe him any response or explanation...


He's somewhat immature, you're right to leave well alone....


Yes. I am friends with his girlfriend, with that said he better watch it! I don't know if I should be alarmed or not? TY! :)




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Have you thought that you may be getting a wrong impression from him? To me, it sounds no big deal. He's your brother's friend, maybe he's just trying to be social. Regardless, you know he has a girlfriend so while I don't think you should ignore him, you shouldn't create anything that may lead him to think you're flirting with him - in case he's indeed flirting with you. You may be right, but for now he hasn't done anything I would consider suspicious or whatever.


It's a possibility I am getting a wrong impression from him. That is why I posted it on here to see if other people thought I am being ridiculous. I don't want his girlfriend mad at me too because even though he's the one flirting with me, she reminds of the type that'll be mad at me, and I don't need that. He gets in my personal space a lot and leans in on me like he's going to kiss me or something. It's weird. TY! :)




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