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I can't get over my jealousy....

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English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes


When you can't get over your jealousy, it's better to you/and your partner to leave?


So, I'm in my first relationship (bf as well) for 16 months, and we're both 19 y.o still studying.

He is really cute, we've the same hobbies and he tells me all the time how lucky he is to have me ( we know each other since we're kids).


In my previous thread I started to feel jealous for my bf playing a game with a female friend ( she's 15 y.o). I tried to forget but today I saw him chatting with her (don't had any cute emoticons or any red flags) and (please don't judge I know how bitchy I was).

We're lying in the coach when he was being a little sarcastic (he is always like this) saying that I was choosing my female friend over him to play, and I got mad because he did the same thing for me....(choosing his female friend to play a game that we both decided to play...) and I started to ignoring him, he was talking all the time and I was quiet (I'm really shy so I don't talk too much) and don't touching him, probably he even didn't noticied.

Later I became to normal.


The problem is I'm feeling pretty bad, because I've male friends as well but my anxiety is taking control and I don't want to hurting him, like becoming suddenly mad for nothing and controlling his friendships.


I already told him how anxious I'm and he know it, like, I can't even talk about some problem to him because I don't want to see he preoccupied with me.(Yes, I bottle up my feelings)

And now I'm starting to stalk the girl, she is really pretty and intelligent, maybe has more hobbies in comum than me.


Can somebody give me a advice? I know how insecure I'm, but leaving this relationship is something that probably in the future I'll regret :(

Edited by noelly
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You can't control your jealousy??? are too immature to be dating someone then. Once you are a little older and you learn to control your emotions you will be ready to have a healthy relationship with a nice guy.


Nothing wrong with dating lots of different guys at this time in your life, and not committing to anyone. Go out to the clubs with your girl friends, flirt, dance have fun. Way better than having to deal with a BF that make you jealous.

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