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Girlfreind And Ex-Boyfriend At Concert

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Just yesterday, the love of my life went to a local concert with her freind Jackie and ran into her old boyfriend. First things first, we are both 15 and have been dating about 7 months, I'm in love with her, my first love and trust her unconditionally. Hey ex-boyfreind used to risiucle her, taunt her, and beat her on a regular basis. I've knocked him out on sveeral occasiosn and lately hes seemed to stop the flirtation with my girlfriend. Ay the concert, Kate (my gf) being the great, nice person she is tried to start a conversation with him. He then proceded to grab her butt, hug her, trapp her arms, pull her around, al without her consent. I have a very bad anger problem and feel like I should kill the kid. Any ideas??

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Don't kill anyone.


Try having her parents call his parents instead perhaps?


Violence rarely solves these sorts of problems, and will only land you in prison. That wouldn't be any good for you, or your girl.

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Ay the concert, Kate (my gf) being the great, nice person she is tried to start a conversation with him.


As long as she continues to have contact with this abusive guy, she is putting herself at risk. She needs to understand that while no one deserves to be treated that way, they can take steps to keep themselves out of harm's way to prevent it from happening. For whatever reason, after everything he did to her - she still felt the need to talk to him. That is what needs to be addressed - not kicking this guy's arse. She has to stop being nice to him, and avoid him at all costs. If she is not willing to do this, then she is perpetuating her problems and putting herself (and you, should you be arrested for assault/battery) at risk.

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