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What's your preference? Gym, home, or outdoors?

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Mine is outdoors. I love being outside with my dog and nature. In wintertime it's harder, but I still like to bundle up for a brisk walk/hike in the ice and snow.


I didn't like the gym because of the distractions. The big TV screens with a different channel set on each, people talking loudly, ugh! I only liked it when there was barely anyone there and the TVs were off. For me exercise is best when I'm alone with my thoughts.


All of the above. I like hiking once in a while. I like the weights at the gym. I like the cardio machines at the gym. I like yoga class with plenty of people. I like dance class for the same.



You just have to practice tuning out distractions if you don't care for them. I don't mind all the people around when I'm doing weights or cardio. People watching, etc. I can tune out if need be or just enjoy being there and everything that's around. But people like what they like :)

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That's barely above body weight. Even I need something like 100kgs sometimes, let alone Priv.


Different strokes for different folks. A lot can be accomplished with just 'body weight'. Have you seen a professional dancer's (or other athlete's who don't lift weights) body? They just deal with their own body weight and have the most beautiful bodies. They're not big by any means but by god they're fit and trim.

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Different strokes for different folks. A lot can be accomplished with just 'body weight'. Have you seen a professional dancer's (or other athlete's who don't lift weights) body? They just deal with their own body weight and have the most beautiful bodies. They're not big by any means but by god they're fit and trim.

My response was specific to Priv's on the previous page if you care to read it. We all have bodies like that under body fat, it's not exclusive to dancers. They are very skinny, personally I don't find that beautiful.

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I prefer the gym. It's the only way I actually do the work out.


At home, I keep procrastinating and end up not working out at all. Outdoors, well it's too cold 6 months out of the year so that's also not an option (for me anyways. lol)



I'm with you. I used to have a really nice home setup, weight bench, treadmill, dumbells, etc. I got rid of it. I found I didn't use it near as much as I should. There was always some other "project" that needed doing around the house that took precedence. For me, going to the gym is the way to go. I make myself go, and once I'm there, I put in my hour or so, work my ass off, and am done. Nothing to distract me. No grass to cut, tree to trim, plumbing to fix, etc. And if there is, it's not my job!



I need to get away from home to maintain my focus. Probably another reason I'd make a lousy telecommuter. I don't think I'd be good at it.

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Outdoors everytime for me!!



A) Just because is more fun, and you feel better after, there's more variety of stuff you can do, more space, less noise, more focus, more challenge, more inspiration



B) Because I want to be actually fit not "gym fit"! I want to be able to climb a a rock face if my life depended on it, swim without current being an issue, get from point A to B in the time needed. Not be able to lift different barbells, swim as long as the pools the right temperature or trip over a rock cause im used to running on a treadmill :laugh:



I do use the gym, I hang out there at work a lot and I use a boxing gym in town, its great for the things its great for but I do get bored! I want to be out cycling - where its not just about your body but connecting your head in "slow a bit - the rains impeding my vision", "right or left?", "check out that view", "I can get a 360 of that lip if I speed up now", "Hey, look at that badger".......I get bored sitting on an exercise bike going no where!

Give me the real thing any day!

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Weather is the key. For me anyway...I absolutely hate the cold....So this time of year its only the gym...I do use the gym year round as strength training and heavy weight training is my thing...


In the summer, I hike a lot, kayak and bike as well as other things outdoors..Then it gets too friggin hot as well, so that kills that..:laugh:..But there are a few months a year where things are great outdoors..


Gyms are pretty cheap anyway, I just wish there werent so many tools that go there...Its depressing and aggravating...If you are just going to go there and try to game women, play with your cell, or bullshyt, then stay home and let the people who want to train do their thing..


A few buddies and me are looking into renting a small space as a private training facility...Set it up the way we want it, go there at any time of day and make sure no morons come around...:laugh:



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Hence competitive sport being my favourite type of exercise!


Noting better than a football match - sun, wind or rain!

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