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Counted the number of Online Men VS Women

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So I basically decided to go on OkCUpid and count all of the straight men/women online. I did 18-22 for age, within 25 miles, near LA area.


Men -- 468


Women -- 327



Now for ages 18-30, within 25 miles, near LA area,straight.


Men -- 1023


Women -- 780



Total ---


1.37136556104446 online men on average for every online woman.

Edited by kolleamm
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Yes, the often quoted myth of "men outnumber women 10 to 1" is simply that, a myth. It's usually used as an excuse by unsuccessful men who prefer to blame circumstance, than to look at their own failings and improve them.

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So while there are more men online than women. The numbers aren't that skewed.

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So I basically decided to go on OkCUpid and count all of the straight men/women online. I did 18-22 for age, within 25 miles, near LA area.


Men -- 468


Women -- 327



Now for ages 18-30, within 25 miles, near LA area,straight.


Men -- 1023


Women -- 780



Total ---


1.37136556104446 online men on average for every online woman.


Edited my post - I see that you did within 25 miles. Narrow the search to closer to LA and you'll see a change in that ratio.


In general, I think, there tend to be more straight, single women relative to straight, single men closer in to large city centers.



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Hopefully you didn't send out 780 template mails :laugh:


Stats like this are misleading... time of day, holiday or not and even if they are just checking and looking at an email shows them online or not.

When I did OLD I was only on after 11pm and many times I was only online to check emails and wasn't looking at profiles...


Not sure what your test shows you, if you had spent the time on improving your profile or email it might have been a better use of your time... but interesting none the less

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Using women seeking men/men seeking women and 18-110 and a ten mile radius around my location, here's my stats from Match:





This is in excess of the male/female ratio per the census bureau but indicative of what the typical man around here faces. IIRC, the census number is 52/48 m/f. Of course, the census includes married people and people in relationships, where Match can be presumed to mostly include single, unattached people.

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Stats like this are misleading... time of day, holiday or not and even if they are just checking and looking at an email shows them online or not.

It's not current online users though, but total number of users.

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Now that I think about it, in order to eliminate what time of day they are online problem a simple count of users last online one day ago max would probably solve that.

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So I basically decided to go on OkCUpid and count all of the straight men/women online. I did 18-22 for age, within 25 miles, near LA area.


I used to do that (well, nearer me and nearer my age) when it was easier to count... I think it used to either give a count of the number of matches or maybe it was a count of the number of pages of matches so it was easy to get the number. The current page format makes it harder, so I don't bother. Interesting to see an up-to-date snapshot. I can't remember exactly what numbers I found back then, but it wasn't ever a worry that the ratio was playing a part in the numbers of responses I was getting.

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Statistics = fun !

Well I've been noticing, yes it is about 60% men, with great variation. But if I look at how many men vs women are "Professional enough to run a small franchise or company with 5 employees." (A criteria I made up for describing emotional stability, brilliance, looks, life experience, education, etc) I find that about 40% of women meet that criteria on either match or OKC, whereas 15% of men seem to. Anyone else notice that? For me we are talking 30's age bracket.


So us men outnumber, but the lousiness runs over the quantity.

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Statistics = fun !

Well I've been noticing, yes it is about 60% men, with great variation. But if I look at how many men vs women are "Professional enough to run a small franchise or company with 5 employees." (A criteria I made up for describing emotional stability, brilliance, looks, life experience, education, etc) I find that about 40% of women meet that criteria on either match or OKC, whereas 15% of men seem to. Anyone else notice that? For me we are talking 30's age bracket.


So us men outnumber, but the lousiness runs over the quantity.


How on earth do you assess "Professional enough to run a small franchise or company with 5 employees." from a profile? :confused: I see that you've broken it down, but many of those other things you can't judge from a profile either.

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Interesting. But also have to remember how many already married and coupled up guys there are online trying to cheat. Add to the the number who are only looking to hook up and you probably still have more women trying to have a real exclusive relationship online.

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How on earth do you assess "Professional enough to run a small franchise or company with 5 employees." from a profile? :confused: I see that you've broken it down, but many of those other things you can't judge from a profile either.


Although it may seem like too precise a definition for a limited information case, you probably understand what I mean. Worded differently, the number of men who fail to use any complete sentences, misspell more than 5 words on their profile, and deliberately portray a neanderthal mentality far exceeds that of women. The disordered presentation is really common among men in my area only in an online capacity, not IRL as much.


Interesting. But also have to remember how many already married and coupled up guys there are online trying to cheat.

I hear you, and have heard it before, but explain, how can someone publish themselves with photos without getting caught by other lookers in town who stumble upon them, knowing their family? In a metro area under 200,000k people I'd put it at 1 - 2 weeks before the average cheater would be spotted and reported, eh?

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I had a look at one of the smaller local sites in my city where it was easier to get an overall view. and it was roughly 65:35 to 60:40. Looking for a slim build woman in her 30s though who's not looking for 'tall/muscular/well off generous man'..it turned out to be something like 1/4 of a 1/5 of a 1/3 of a 1/3, and that's before I even worry about finding her profile attractive/compatible or if she had kids (50% chance easy). Another site I looked at there were far more older women (post divorcees) signing up than younger. There could have been a comparable surge of older guys as well but I didn't check, but the demographics I suspect might even the user ratio out if 18-99 is looked at. You found 1.4 in the younger ratio and poor carhill 2.6. lol I know in the early days of OLD where it was all subscriber, sites used to use fake female profiles to prop up numbers and suck in the guys (coys were registered offshore + online law was piss weak in the early days)


As for their being a lot more professional women then men on OLD, I didn't pick that up, but then I wasn't studying men's profiles the same. I do know that all the complaints women have of men's profiles & communication online, plenty of women are guilty of the same, but maybe not quite to same extent and they wont 'pretend' to want a serious relationship.

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When you throw out all the married guys pretending to be single and dudes pretending to be women it probably evens out.

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When you throw out all the married guys pretending to be single and dudes pretending to be women it probably evens out.


That would drop numbers on both sides though. I wonder too how many married guys really do take the risk to put up their photo and details on a public site, where co-workers, friends of his wife, wife's co-workers, relatives, neighbors, etc. can easily stumble across it. I could see them taking a chance on doing it on a niche subscriber site like A.Madison.

From the genuine & single guy's perspective though, its still extra competition

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Just did a new count today on OkCupid


Status : Online in the last day


Location : LA (within 25 miles)


Ages : 18-30


Women who like men : 372


Men who like women : 999


1 to 2.69 Ratio

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Just did a new count today on OkCupid


Status : Online in the last day


Location : LA (within 25 miles)


Ages : 18-30


Women who like men : 372


Men who like women : 999


1 to 2.69 Ratio


Both these numbers are smaller than the previous numbers for "online now", yet this is a search for "online in the last day" so should surely include all those when the previous search was done, so I'm confused as to why these numbers are smaller. :confused:

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Both these numbers are smaller than the previous numbers for "online now", yet this is a search for "online in the last day" so should surely include all those when the previous search was done, so I'm confused as to why these numbers are smaller. :confused:


You are right that the numbers are too small. This time I just put genders attracted to the opposite sex not just straight ones so that should've yielded more. It's been less than 24 hours since my last count so I'm not really sure why.

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You are right that the numbers are too small. This time I just put genders attracted to the opposite sex not just straight ones so that should've yielded more. It's been less than 24 hours since my last count so I'm not really sure why.


Ok. I've had a few cases on OKC where (for a very specific search) there were only a handful of results. By the time I went through all those (and selected "Hide" for the ones I didn't like) and then went back and did the same search there were new results - people who should have been in the original search (and hadn't just logged in). You're perhaps seeing the same, or rather the opposite. So I suspect that sometimes, for whatever reason, the OKC search algorithm doesn't always return an exhaustive list. I haven't really reached a conclusion about whether this is a bug or whether it's by design.


Maybe to get an accurate picture you need to do the same search several times over several days and take an average! But, only if you're really bored.

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It's not current online users though, but total number of users.




Well... again statistics are misleading... I had 2 accounts, one for checking up on the competition and the other I used to contact people.

My accounts were opposite sex accounts though so they would neutralize each other out in %, I doubt I'm unusual and more along the lines of a norm in that.

My wife also had 2 accounts where she would use the second account to go look to see if I had logged back in or not :laugh:


I don't think you can look at the total number of accounts and get an accurate gauge on who is really a member...

Many accounts are one off's too... a person killing time on Friday night creates an account and never logs back in...


You would probably get a better idea of who is using OLD just by looking at the statistics of the sexes who participate in college.

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When you throw out all the married guys pretending to be single and dudes pretending to be women it probably evens out.


There is that.. for sure...

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