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*ladies*.. clean shaven or five-o-clock shadow?


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I prefer clean shaven but every so often with a hint of a 5 o'clock shadow DH looks darn cute. :love: the 5 o'clock shadow seems to be more of what the movie stars & other heartthrobs sport so it may be more in fashion.

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I have a coarse beard so, overwhelmingly, women I've dated, and the one I was married to, preferred clean-shaven, or so they expressed.

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I think you're going to find varied answers to this question, as to any other of personal preference.



My lady likes me in my goatee, won't even let me consider shaving it. Not that I would anyway.

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It really depends. I don't mind a slight beard or even a beard but I don't want a zz top beard going on! I prefer clean shaven.

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It depends. On a middle age guy they look like a hobo/scruffy...like my old man does. I say clean shaven.....looks more presentable.

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For me, it depends on the guy. Some guys look horrible with beards, some look really sexy. But the rick ross beard is a no-go for me...ewww. But overall, I prefer clean shaven.

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Depends on the man. On some it's hot.. I think a lot of it is the way he grooms it it. Mostly I find it very masculine and am a big fan. This has correlated with my getting older I think and my tastes maturing.


Not that I'm saying there is anything wrong with clean shaven men of all ages.

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I like scruff on a guy. It's manly. When I see a guy constantly clean shaven, he kind of makes me think of a pretty boy. I like rugged. Manly. Intense.

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