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Has anyone ever contacted an ex after long time apart

Mizz Layta

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I did with an ex after years apart.I added him on face book and sent him a message just to say hi and we only exchanged one message.The reason why I bothered was,my friend who is a male was talking to him and my ex told him that he was going to add me on fb so I thought why not make the first move.



When I added him, he accepted the request but I noticed that he deleted the notification on his home page.( eg Jenna and Bob are now friends)I don't know if it was because of his gf that was also pregnant. Anyways, i wasn't trying to come between them and I just wanted to say hi. I sent him the first message and we caught up and that was it. It was awkward and i wish if i never bothered. I ended up deleting him on my fb page months later



Anyways,with my recent ex I am not sure if I will ever reach out. There are no hard feelings and we broke up because of the distance. He is with someone else now and it tore me up at first but I have came to accept it. We are now in NC and i still care about him as person. I think about reaching out after long time apart but i am not sure if i would bother. I mean what are we going to talk about? Maybe if i can handle hearing about the women he is dating and how his love life is going.I usually don't bother with my other exes but i am not sure about this one since i valued him as person.



So have you ever contacted an ex after a year apart or more just to say hi?Do you wish you never bothered?

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Why bother, to be honest? I mean I've never. But I don't understand why ex's bother to get in contact, unless it's to get back together. Unless you have kids, then fine. If you ask me, getting in contact with an ex just to "say hi" is pointless, makes things messy and quite frankly, annoying. And really just pointless.


I have heaps in common with my ex so we could chat for days if we wanted to, but I'd rather not. I have other people to chat with about those things.

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I don't reach out but I did look a few EXs up on FB just to see current pictures. We'd broken up years before FB existed.


In my industry I do bump into 2 Exs every once in a while. We can be civil. We've has coffee & chatted for a few minutes

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I just did that with my ex the other day. He's been deployed in Afghanistan, and he had reached out to me just prior to deployment to let me know. I KIK'd him the other day to wish him well. I felt like I had really moved on and that it would be OK to send a brief message to him. It was basically just a "hello."


He responded pretty quickly, and told me he was on his way home and was in Romania for a brief interim.


There are a few more details surrounding this, but they are not important to this question. The bottom line is that the contact stirred up some feelings I am now trying to work through, and I have come to the conclusion that I probably won't ever reach out again. Really no point.

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I did. Honestly the only reasons were all selfish. I was lonely or bored? Not sure why I did it, if I didnt want us to be together. We werent friends after the break,so why after years would we be?

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