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Can't let past go? :/

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My boyfriend (ex now) are both 19. Two years ago we were together for nine months but ended as we weren't working out and arguing way too much. I ended it, and we did not speak for a good year and a half-ish. Now all this time I knew he was sort of seeing someone even though it was nothing serious.


He came back a few months ago and we got on like a house on fire; the love and spark were still there after all that time so we instantly got back together. Now I tried avoiding asking about the girl, I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it. He ended up telling me he had sex with her and that he didn't really care about her, and dumped her the next day!


I was livid, how could he do such a thing? I know we weren't together but I didn't even think of getting THAT intimate with another guy because of my love for him. I didn't even date anyone since him. I just can't understand why, I tried letting it go and forgetting it but I can't (atleast not right now!). What should I do? I don't know if this is normal. We haven't even slept together this time round because I physically feel sick at the thought of him with another girl. He was my first; he only had sex with one girl before me which was drunkenly and then this girl! He still wants to be with me and get married, have a future and so do I ultimately but I just don't know if i can ever let this go completely, knowing he put his dick in another girl!

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You two weren't together and didn't speak to each other for a year and half. It's not fair to hold what he did when he was single and not even in contact with you against him

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Let him go. When you were apart he was free to do whatever & whomever he wanted. The fact that you stayed hung up on him wasn't his fault or his responsibility.



It's not fair to hold his past actions against him. If you can't forget about it, walk away. It's not right for you to punish him

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