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I have not been able to get a date of any sort. I have dated two girls and only one actually showed interest in me. The real question is what the hell do women want?


From my observations they want total dickheads that treat them like #####.


What the hell do they want? Is there any use in trying or should I just lower my standards to disease infested whores?


It may not sound like it but I actually am a nice guy who doesn't ask for much.

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It seems like you are disgruntled when it comes to meeting girls and etc. You should act like yourself, and go after the girls you like, don't lower or change your standards, unless you like the super model type and you are butt ugly (I'm just giving an example, no offense or anything) then it probably won't work, because initial impressions is an important factor. Be sweet to girls, buy them little things, surprise them, etc. Don't sound desperate!


I don't know if you have searched through this whole forum yet, but if you haven't, look at the entire thread posted by sparkle, "How to get women" or something, ;)

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