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My gf is mad at me for something i said and i need it to go away and be happy again

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I am a 17 year old male in highschool.


Last night, my girlfriend and i were shopping for spring clothes for me and she really really wanted me to buy this pink collard shirt and i refused to buy it. she knows i hate collared shirts and she knows i hated the color pink but she still insisted that i buy it. i ended up not buying it and she got really mad at me and basically stopped talking to me. we still had another 1 1/2 hours until our movie so we just walked around a little and drove the the movie theater, got food, and sat down. when i was buying our tickets, she started to warm up to me again and everything was going well and we watched the movie and just had a good time. her parents said after the movie she had to be home because they were mad at her for some reason. after the movie, we decided to go to a park and do our thing a little bit before i drove her home. so i fingered her and she was really really happy and just felt soooo good. after i was done with her, we had to go home so i was unable to get anything back, which i was PERFECTLY ok with. i love my girlfriend so i do not need to get anything back to be happy. so i was driving her home and i started trying to joke with her about me jerking off when i got home (which she hates and doesnt want me to do anymore which is why i was joking about it) and just trying to lighten the mood a little bit. she was kidding aroudn a little bit and was like "nooo you cant do that" and stuff, so then i said something like "welllll its not fair so you can do it or ill do it when i get home". i was trying to be joking about all of this and trying to be relaxed and show that i really didnt need anything back, but she took it seriously and got really offended. to top that off, when she got home, she got grounded for coming home late and her parents wont let her drive with me anymore. then i was talking to her today and she was really mad about the whole thing and i have never seen her so mad at me before, and i tried to explain to her that i was kidding around with the whole thing on the way home but she wouldnt believe me. i told her over and over again how much i cared about her happiness and hoe much i cared about her and that i would never have tried to make her do anything she didnt want to (she knows i HATE the idea of forcing someone to do anything). she didnt really believe a word of it, and hung up on me and has not spoken to me since.


so tomorrow in school, i need to do something BIG to get her to be happy again. i cannot think of what to do and i want it to be something so unbelieveable that itll just make her melt with joy. PLEASE HELP!!!

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Three choices:


1) Admit you were wrong and show her how willing you are to do whatever it takes.


2) Admit you were wrong and apologize and then just let her be mad until she's over it.


3) Don't admit you were wrong, apologize for however you contributed to the misunderstanding, but make it clear your heart is in the right place. Then just let her be mad until she's over it.


1 is only required for major mistakes. 2 is ok, but is only really required if you actually were wrong or if you have no idea what happened or why. 3 is a good way to show her you know what you're doing, and you aren't going to be manipulated. So she can expect to be on her own until she knocks off her tantrum. I recommend 3.


She'll take a joke if it's clear if she doesn't she's on her own. A joke's a joke after all. She doesn't have to go nuclear if you, while joking around, say something she doesn't approve of. And you should learn where her limits are, because being ignorant of her limits is neglectful. And deliberately stepping over them is rude.

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and was like "nooo you cant do that"


She apparently thinks she has the right to order you around. That with the inability to take a joke = bad news. You'll never do enough to please this one. Run far and fast.

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She got mad at you for not buying the shirt she liked and for saying you were going to jerk off. Both things are your choice. You're a 17 year old guy, of course you're going to want to jerk off. If you like her apoligize and jerk off all you want but don't tell her you're going to do it anymore. If you are truthful with her and say "I like to jerk off and hate pink shirts" you will be telling her the truth but she will just get more mad. So those are basically your choices.

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