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do you think he meant it???

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Hey! i was just wondering about something. i like my manager at work, and i think he might like me too. well he played a joke on all of us at work and said that he was leaving and got another job. the other night when i thought that was the last time i would see him, we were both walking to our cars he said


"hey, who knows, maybe we'll get together sometime and have a drink."


but now i know that it was all a joke, and hes not leaving anymore, not right now anyway. but i was wondering, do you think he meant the whole thing about getting a drink sometime? he wouldn't say it if he didn't mean it in some way right?

PLEASE, any opinions are appreciated!!


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He probably did mean it, but who knows if it was a sincere interest in a relationship, or just a one-night stand. I wold NOT pursue it while you still work together - if he comes on to you again, just make a joke that it would be nice to have that drink together IF he didn't work there anymore :)

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