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Why would you see an ex, tell her you haven't moved on when ur getting married?

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Ok so about 5 months ago, I caught my ex cheating on me with a girl who is out of the country. They were doing LDR for quite a while and met for a month when my ex went for a vacation. Of course I didn't know he's seeing this girl when he left for holidays.


This girl was an ex from 3 years ago. Not his most recent ex. He cheated and left her for another girl too but this girl was so in love with him, as soon as he started a relationship with me, she freaked out and offered friendship to my ex. (Behind my back they were talking as friends for a sometime) When our relationship got rocky, he said he turned to this girl and he liked her for that because she gave him the attention he needed that he couldn't get from me while we were fighting.


Ok so I ended things and stop talking to him as soon as I found out that he was cheating. He then proceeded on a full blown relationship with her and just after only 2 months after the we ended things, he proposed and asked her to marry him. And it was a huge announcement that both friends and his family got shocked with. He wanted to marry her so fast, he set a date within 3 months!


Ok so I was like, ok he wanted her badly. I moved on, basically changed everything about me and I was doing so well and also starting to see other guys when one day, I got a long message from him asking to meet with me. I was hesitant but thought that maybe he just wanted to iron things out with me since he's already getting married. So i did come to see him and he offered to come to my house.


What I didn't expect was when he saw me, he started talking about our relationship and how stupid he was for making the rushed decision of marrying her. He said that everything around him still reminds him of me and I never left his mind since the day we broke up. He also told me that he got mad at me for not fighting for him from the other girl since all he wanted to feel was the assurance that I loved him (because he said, I am not showy of my feelings and that I don't really love him as much! WTH). He said he still loves me and wanted to see me everyday. He hugged, tried to cry and started kissing me. He said that of all the past exes he had, this is the first time he contacted back and ex girlfriend coz usually he would just walk away and NOT look back.:rolleyes:


Ok after that day, I wasn't really planning to see him anymore BUT he would text me everyday and asked me how I was. He offered to see a movie with me which I finally agreed to. From then on, my feelings were starting to come back and we acted like a couple once more, back in the days when we were so happy in love. It felt really good and I could feel he is still in love with me. But I know it wouldn't last long because it is wrong and he is obviously cheating on his fiancee. It followed with sleepovers..though I know it was wrong. I could say that it wasn't fake, I could feel his emotions and he called me the name he used to call me when we were still together.


When I asked him what his plan was, he said he doesn't know. His wedding is already set, his family, friends and his fiancee's friends and family already know. Plus, he is just sending money to the girl who is actually the one prepping for the wedding since it's gonna be held on the country where the girl lives. The girl loves him so much, she stalks my blog and social media everyday!


So I was very reluctant to see him anymore scared that my feelings would come back more and more and Im gonna be hell attached to him again. But we continued to see each other, and as days pass by, I can tell how we are quickly going back to how we were back in the days. All he talks about is our memories like how he kept all the gifts I gave him..and he wanted me as his birthday present.:roll eyes: I wanted to believe those sweet words but the thing is he couldn't cancel the wedding that is going to be held in 2 weeks.


He said he couldn't because as much as he loves me still, he also loves that girl and she didn't do anything bad to him for him to hurt her. She loves him, obsessed with him.


But the day before he left, he said we're still gonna see each other and that he loves me. He didn't really want me to end up with someone else. I told him I will miss him and that I love him too, still..finally.


Okay but he didn't know that girl already had a feeling that we are still seeing each other. She was stalking my tumblr for hours. (I could track it coz I have an ip tracker on my page). I finally decided to tell her the truth since I was feeling a little guilty as well. But she didn't read my message when she's supposed to see it! And now that my ex is back there with her, she was posting sweet stuff with my ex like nothing happened. Wow.


First off, i didn't really believe all my ex said to me, I always thought he could be just using me or wanting companionship. And I really planned to tell the girl because I think that he hasn't changed and can't still be contented with one. But i felt my effort was wasted since the girl decided to play blind by my ex!


Anyways, guys, is there a chance my ex would be telling the truth to me that he still hasn't moved on from me, or he is just completely using me for something???manipulating me?

Edited by krooton25
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I have no idea why he said what he said but you ought to thank your lucky stars that you dodged a bullet. I feel bad for his fiancée.

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You dodged a big bullet. Go NC for good, why let a whiny excuse of a man cry on your shoulder? It's a waste of time. Just thank your lucky stars that you aren't married to him and move on.


And in the future, don't be manipulated so easily. Read your own post again and tell me that the very beginning sounded fishy and disgusting enough to keep away from him. Get your self-esteem fixed.

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It's funny that you make the comment about her blinding herself about this weasel. YOU are infact no different from her, actually worst off. At least she didn't know you two were up to no good behind her back. Nothing much to be desired when YOU knowingly sleep and entertain a douchebag you know is a cheater. You're the the one blinding yourself.


I think this guy served you a pile of horse shytt. It's the attention and ego boost he so desired to get from you. And he got it. Now he's back playing happy family with his fiancé. If he truly legitimately loved and cared for you he wouldn't have cheated on you and then ditched you again.


Work on your self-esteem.

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