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Communication Probs


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I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 months. We go to college together and live in the same apartment builiding right next door to each other. everything is going great except for the fact that he cannot communicate with me as well as i would like him to. he is a very outgoing, "wacky" funny kind of a guy who is almost never serious. i, on the other hand, like to discuss my feelings, the relationship itself, and all those other things in a relationship. recently it has really been getting to me. and when i tell him that i would like for him to be more open with me, he gets frustrated and says he doesnt know how. i ask him if he feels the same for me as i do for him and he assures me that he does. he tells me that he wants "us" more than anything else in the world and that i mean everything to him. but he would never just come out and say these things to me on his own. he told me thats just the way he has always been. he says that he has a tough time showing those people who he cares about the most..how he feels. its tough because i am the type of person who needs to be reassured. i mean, doesnt everyone like to be known that they are wanted, when in a relationship with someone? i told him that i need to feel wanted..and he says that he will try harder..but i really dont think he knows how. what should i do?? i mean, i really need and want an open, loving, affectionate partner..and i want it to be him..but i really feel like there is something lacking with us. what should i do? i really want this to work.

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Just one thing I wanna tell you: my bf is _always talking about our relationship and how he loves me , and u know what - it's sweet at first, but gets annoying later!! I know extremes are always crappy... but you should be happy, in a way! As long as he is capable of talking seriously if you have problems, i think it's fine if he's not super-sweet...


Just sharing my ideas, i know Tony, Sparkle and others will give more constructive advice =-)


- me

I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 months. We go to college together and live in the same apartment builiding right next door to each other. everything is going great except for the fact that he cannot communicate with me as well as i would like him to. he is a very outgoing, "wacky" funny kind of a guy who is almost never serious. i, on the other hand, like to discuss my feelings, the relationship itself, and all those other things in a relationship. recently it has really been getting to me. and when i tell him that i would like for him to be more open with me, he gets frustrated and says he doesnt know how. i ask him if he feels the same for me as i do for him and he assures me that he does. he tells me that he wants "us" more than anything else in the world and that i mean everything to him. but he would never just come out and say these things to me on his own. he told me thats just the way he has always been. he says that he has a tough time showing those people who he cares about the most..how he feels. its tough because i am the type of person who needs to be reassured. i mean, doesnt everyone like to be known that they are wanted, when in a relationship with someone? i told him that i need to feel wanted..and he says that he will try harder..but i really dont think he knows how. what should i do?? i mean, i really need and want an open, loving, affectionate partner..and i want it to be him..but i really feel like there is something lacking with us. what should i do? i really want this to work.
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