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Sick of my parents fighting


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To give some background, I'm a college graduate currently working minimum wage job and living with my parents. It's hard. I feel really guilty because I wish I could pay for more. My parents are currently in debt and squeezed a lot due to higher taxes and costs of living.


Over the fast few years they've been arguing a lot - not specifically about money. They just don't respect each other - just argue and swear at each other. It's upsetting. And my dad will swear abuse at the cat and get angry easily. My dad's mum passed away 3 months ago of cancer. He says he's over it but he never talks about how he actually feels.


I'm getting on okay with mum but not dad - I just worry he will get angry. We had a fall out when I was 18 and our relationship has never recovered. I just don't know what to say. I feel really guilty saying this but I don't know how to reach out to him.


Just want a peaceful house for Xmas. What do I do about this?

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Money makes everybody crazy. Can you focus the holidays on family rather than money? Make your parents see the blessings of being together (but don't cram it down their throats).



When possible do things to make more money & reduce the household overhead.

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