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Woman asks man for his number, doesn't call.


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I was talking to my co-worker today, he's a male in his early 40s. He was about plum tuckered given up on dating recently, until a local waitress in her 30's asked for HIS number.

This was someone he'd been seeing while going to a local restaurant on his lunch break, been seeing as far as serving him lunch that is. So it was familiarity that gained her interest.

Finally a break!! He was thinking, "Yes, finally! This likely means there is REAL interest on her part" After all, a WOMAN asking for a MAN's number surely ensures interest on her part, right?

Guess what, she hasn't called. They were suppose to set up something for last weekend, but nothing came of it.


Man, this is a first, ya know? The world's idea of some kind of sick joke? :laugh:

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Sounds like she got cold feet, or that asking for his number was an impulsive move on her part and now she's reeling with, "Why did I do that?"


It happens, and yes it sucks for the person who got their hopes up.


I've had several guys claim they were going to call/text me after getting my number in order to set something up in the future, and I never heard from them again.


But you can't let that sort of thing discourage you, take it personally or make you bitter.


You just have to remember that ultimately it was their issue, if they show obvious interest and then drop of the face of the earth. And it's an issue that will bite them in the butt, someday, not your butt. So remember that you're still the same person you were yesterday, it's not about you and move on.

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He was actually laughing about it. I kind of got a good laugh out of it too, as I don't feel so bad about my experiences either. LOL


He mentioned that people have told him he's been trying too hard, so he eased back on it. Finally, when he stopped "trying to hard", a woman asks for her for his # and this happens. It is rather hilarious



Sounds like she got cold feet, or that asking for his number was an impulsive move on her part and now she's reeling with, "Why did I do that?"


It happens, and yes it sucks for the person who got their hopes up.


I've had several guys claim they were going to call/text me after getting my number in order to set something up in the future, and I never heard from them again.


But you can't let that sort of thing discourage you, take it personally or make you bitter.


You just have to remember that ultimately it was their issue, if they show obvious interest and then drop of the face of the earth. And it's an issue that will bite them in the butt, someday, not your butt. So remember that you're still the same person you were yesterday, it's not about you and move on.

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Well it definitely helps to have a sense of humor about things, especially ironic stuff.


I just don't get the impression that you or him are really laughing in a sincere way, more like a crazed **** this sort of way. Which I can understand.


But yeah, it's not a sick joke from the world. It's just one of several possible crappy outcomes from interacting with the opposite gender in a flirtatious/romantic way.


It will probably happen more than once, it's not a "first" by any means.


So try not to take it in a sort of, "LOL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS ****," way and just brush it off when it happens.

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