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Text Message Hell!

Little English Girl

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Little English Girl

I know this problem might sound really dumb but I have been getting loads of abusive text messages on my mobile phone! I have just got engaged to the man I have been seeing for about 18 months and have just found out that I am pregnant. However, my fiance, Mitch, still works with his ex and we believe that it is her who is sending all the abusive text messages, to him and to us. We have been on shaky ground because of it and don't want to have to go through all the arguments again and again. I don't know what to do anymore, it's getting to the point where I am scared to look at my phone! Whats more these are sent off the internet and there is no way of tracking them. Any advice?

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Hi Tony,


I just wanted you to know how uplifting it is to read your answers...


Even though what you´re saying is something known to most people, it´s refreshing to hear them confirmed by someone else..You


You seem very mature, and like you have your thoughts together. It also seems that you are aware of the fact that you still have a lot more to learn in life-that´s great!When people atrt to think they know eveything-they stop developing in my view..



Change your mobile phone number.
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Thank you for your kind thoughts. Not everybody feels same way you do. And sometimes I do get a little out of line, but I don't mean to. I try to do my best. And, yes, I do have a lot more to learn. As a matter of fact, it seems like I had most of the answers when I was a teenager...and it's been downhill from there.


It's very nice to see such nice words on a Monday morning.

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