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boyfriend's virginity?


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My boyfriend is 26 yrs old and we've been dating for 6 months. we are not sexually active but we do involve in touching, not sexual intercourse. He told me he is a virgin and that he never was sexually involved with anybody. He spent 4 yrs in the army and never dated anybody while he was there. he said he wasn't in love. Is it possible for a man to stay virgin that long? is he being honest?

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It is possible, but not likely, that a man could remain a virgin for a lifetime.


No self-respecting man anywhere in the world is going to admit to a woman he is a virgin if he's not, especially at age 26, in my opinion.


It is not highly unusual for a man to remain a virgin into his late 20's or even early 30's. Certain circumstances, like being on active military duty, can certainly contribute to it.


Additionally, men who come from highly dysfunctional families where there was abuse of some nature or where parents were very religious and taught strict guidelines about premarital sex can easily remain celibate until they find and marry the right lady.


So, I think he is being quite honest. He has absolutely no reason to lie to you.


Now, your problem is going to be to get him to relax and give up his virginity. I suppose the question is are you equal to the task?

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