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boyfriend's exposing himself


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my boyfriend loves to let women see him nude and even erect, at the beach he will strip and walk out so women walking down the beach can see him, he walks around the yard naked, is this normal?

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hmmm doesn't sound too normal to me...unless of course he lives in a nudist colony...


All I know is if his behavior bothered me, he would definitely NOT be my boyfriend anymore.

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No, it's not normal and your boyfriend is a sicko and subject to arrest. If he exposes himself to minors, he could get serious jailtime.


He needs serious psychological counselling or maybe even hospitalization in a mental facility for a period of time. Exhibitionism can often lead to other even more serious things like rape.


I hope you are just kidding about this problem. In my opinion, no self-respecting woman alive would remain with a man who would humiliate her this way. I guess you must see something in him...or outside of him...and others do to.


Do the neighbors call him Tripod?

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it's certainly not normal. in fact, i'd find it downright offensive if he paraded past me on the beach with an erect penis.


my first thoughts? *sick pervert*.


he's going to get himself into some serious trouble oneday. you don't need to be by his side when that happens.


if he were my boyfriend, i'd either:


a) dump him;


b) use him as a towel rack at the beach.


i think option a) looks like the best one. you deserve someone with a bit of dignity and self-respect.

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